Abandoned child, you don't have to fight the world alone

Christine 2022-10-09 11:15:54

Cyril's father disappeared with the bicycle, the most important thing in his life.

In everyone's memory, it seems that there is a bicycle, free and unrestrained, carrying all the happiness and sadness.

When Milan was sitting on Ma Xiaojun's bicycle, when Wei Hong dragged a parachute and pedaled the bicycle under his feet hard, when Xiaogui and Xiaojian took turns riding the seventeen-year-old bicycle, the restlessness of youth uncontrollably fermented .

The Darney Brothers' film "The Bicycle Boy" also tells the story of a boy and his bicycle.

The Belgian directors Darney brothers are good at making art films, and their works are highly favored by the film festival.

From 1999's "Rosetta" to 2016's "No Name Girl", all seven feature films shot by the Darney brothers entered the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival.

They like to shoot hand-held and use natural light a lot, and the shots are always calm and restrained without sensationalism. Their protagonists are often marginalized, but they never try to criticize or question subjectively.

This is a rare warmth in the Darney brothers' works. It tells the story of a boy abandoned by his father, trying to get back to his father. When he was desperate and helpless, a woman reached out to him and changed his mind. The story of his life.

At the beginning of the movie, the boy Cyril is trying to grab the microphone in the child welfare home. He wants to get in touch with his father and pick him up from the welfare home.

His father's phone number has been shut down, and Cyril is still calling again and again. He does not accept the fact that his father has cut off the audio.

In any case, he had to go to his father's residence to see if he had really left without saying goodbye, and that he would retrieve his bicycle from there.

So he escaped from the orphanage and took the bus back to his father's residence. The guard told him that his father had moved out a month ago.

The staff of the orphanage came to take him back. The stubborn boy resisted with all his might, and in desperation, he hugged Samantha, a female barber shop owner who was seeing a doctor.

Cyril's desperate struggle twisted Samantha and made her realize that under Cyril's hedgehog-like appearance, there was actually a fragile heart that longed to be loved.

Samantha decided to help the desperate teenager. She bought Cyril the bicycle that was sold by her father and brought him to live at home every weekend.

Samantha took care of Cyril meticulously, but he was stubborn and stubborn, always obsessed with finding his father.

He rode his bicycle to the restaurant and gas station where his father had been to, and carefully inquired about his father's whereabouts.

He didn't believe his father would sell his bike, thinking someone must have stolen it.

At the door of the gas station, Cyril saw his father's advertisement for motorcycles and bicycles. At that moment, Cyril couldn't hide his disappointment and returned to Samantha's barbershop without saying a word.

Samantha saw Cyril's abnormality, and she stopped what she was doing and asked him what happened.

Cyril said: "I want Dad, I want to find the guy who bought the bike and ask him how to contact Dad." Cyril, who can't find his father, is still lonely and unhappy.

Samantha learned the residence and phone number of Cyril's father Guy from the police station, and made an appointment to meet with him.

Cyril was full of expectations that day, but his father broke the appointment.

Samantha took Cyril directly to the restaurant where his father worked. The father and son met, and Cyril was very happy.

Cyril was eagerly concerned about his father's work, helping to stir the sauce in the pot, expecting more time to talk to his father.

He asked his father when he would take him home. His father said, "Not for now. I'm not in a good condition." will call him.

After sending Cyril away, his father quietly told Samantha that he was no longer able to raise Cyril and would never see him again, hoping that she could relay her words to Cyril.

On the way back, Cyril said nothing. The calm on the surface can hardly hide the turbulence inside. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed his face with both hands, and slammed his head against the door.

His father's showdown confession really made Cyril wake up from a dream, knowing that it was impossible to return to his father's side.

He was like a wounded calf running around because of being out of the group. Cyril was always defensive and even hostile to men other than his father.

Samantha takes him to the playground with her boyfriend, but he refuses to ride with Samantha's boyfriend, sparking a conflict between Samantha and her boyfriend.

During a bicycle theft, Cyril befriends the drug dealer Wesco. Wesco deceived his trust by accompany him to repair the car and play games, and convince him to go to the money of the gun newsstand owner.

Samantha knew that if Cyril and Wesker were mixed together it would not be good, so he forbade him to go out. While Cyril tried his best to escape from the house, while the two were pulling, Cyril stabbed Samantha.

That night, Cyril continued to steal money as planned. Unexpectedly, during the process of stealing the money, the victim saw his face clearly. Wesko was worried that the matter would be exposed and quickly distanced himself from Cyril.

At this time, Cyril thought of his father. With this money, maybe my father can take him home.

He rode his bicycle to his father's restaurant and gave the money to his father, who was afraid of being implicated and rejected him again...

In the dark of the night, Cyril stepped on his bicycle with a heartbroken heart, but he didn't know where to go. The only one who could help him was Samantha.

Like all teenagers, Cyril is headstrong, rebellious and reckless, obsessed with what he believes. He didn't want to tell adults what was on his mind, but he had to rely on them when trouble came.

With shame and remorse, Cyril returned to the barbershop, and Samantha generously forgave him.

Cyril was lucky, Samantha gave him motherly warmth when he was most lonely and helpless.

In the bright sunshine, Cyril and Samantha rode their bicycles laughing and laughing all the way, and Cyril volunteered to exchange bicycles with Samantha.

The bike he's been chasing is no longer his own, but a shared one between him and Samantha, which means a bond has been established between the two.

The story doesn't end here. Cyril met a family who was robbed of money by him on the road. The boy attacked Cyril. In desperation, Cyril climbed to the tree and fell from the tree.

The former victim has now become the perpetrator. The father and son were terrified and hurriedly discussed a word of exoneration.

Later, when Cyril woke up, he got on his bike and headed toward the summer street corner, the sun was shining, and the movie was over.

The topics of the Darney Brothers' works have always revolved around teenagers in socially disadvantaged positions, and presented a feeling of sympathy through lens language without any criticism.

Male star Jérémie RENIER, in "Bicycle Boy", inherited his previous role as an irresponsible father in "Children", and his acting skills are accurate and resentful;

The wonderful performance of the child star Thomas Doret was praised by the international media as comparable to Jean-Pierre Leaud in "The Four Hundred Blows";

And the sweetheart actress Cécile de FRANCE of "Avenue Montaigne" plays a caring barber who warms the boy's whole life with her tenderness and kindness.

The bicycle that runs through the whole film is not only a prop, but also a carrier of emotions. It is the childhood symbol of Cyril's growth, the bond between him and his father's emotional bond, and it is also the link between him and Samantha. Build a bridge of emotional communication.

Luc Danet said: "The bicycle is a little bit symbolic. For this boy it was a love-hate thing. Love - the bicycle was brought by his father; hate - the father sent him into an orphanage The backyard sold it. An unknown woman, Samantha, the woman the boy met by chance gave him the bike again. Between the boy and the woman, the bike was the object of love, like The first step in building a relationship.”

"The Boy Who Rides a Bike" is the warmest of the films directed by the always stern Darney brothers. They used an allegory in the film to portray a boy's process of finding his father as a fairy tale that has undergone growth and transformation.

Samantha, who keeps giving but has no complaints, is like the fairy sister in the puppet story, waiting for him to grow and understand with incomparable patience and tolerance.

The willful and sensitive young Cyril once rode his bicycle astray, and with the support of kind people, he returned to the sun and continued on the road.

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?