Knowledge point notes

Clinton 2022-12-11 07:11:51

An average Australian consumes 40 teaspoons of sugar per day from regular “healthy” things like cereal, low fat yogurt, sweetened iced tea, baked beans

Food breaks down to glucose Glucose as our body fuel, that includes breads, pasta, veggies, grains all turn to glucose used by our brain, organ, cells.

Lactose lactose exists in milk, cheese, yogurt

Sucrose is the table sugar we use. Sucrose is 50% glucose and 50% fructose. Fructose used to be very rare to be found. We used to find it only it fruits, veggies, and honey. But now fructose is everywhere, it's the sugar now found in almost all processed food. (fruit jam, raisons, low fat yogurt, cereal, apple juice,

Fiber in fruits tell us to stop and we are full, but juice doesn't have the fiber to tell us to stop. Juice extracts only the sugar and we throw everything else away.

Fructose leads to visceral fat, not subcutaneous fat. Excess visceral fat leads to metabolism disease including obesity, type II diabetes, heart disease. Liver cells will start to die

After sugar gets into the body, it splits into two parts, fructose and glucose, both of them make their to the liver. Once in the liver, glucose is delt with efficiently either as immediate energy, or store up later like batteries. But the fructose is different. The liver doesn't have a system to regulate the fructose, so fructose gets into the bloodstream no matter we need it or not. If all our spare batteries are full, fructose rapidly turn into fat. Some of that fat will stay in the liver, and you will have increase risk of insulin resistance and diabetes. The fat in the liver will be sent out into the bloodstream as triglycerides, causing obesity, blocked blood vessels, heart disease.

On the other hand, bread and pasta turn into glucose, which triggers insulin release. Insulin is like a key to open up cells to make our cells absorb all the glucose, remove it from the bloodstream and burn it for energy. The more glucose in the blood, the more insulin is released. While insulin is dealing with glucose, it tells our fat cells to hold on to the fat and turns off our fat burning processes. We can burn all the fat when insulin is around dealing with all the sugar .

Sugar also causes high mood swings. You're high on sugar, and down off sugar.

1 cup of jumbo juice is 4 peaches, 9 limes, 30 lemons, 30 strawberries. And that's 35 teaspoons of sugar in one cup. Juices are not healthier. 1 bottle of mountain dew is 37 teaspoons of sugar

Sugar, brown sugar, white sugar, turbinado, fruit juice concentrate, evaporated cane juice, cane juice crystals, molasses, organic coconut palm sugar, agave ARE ALL THE SAME THING! They're all added sugar and have equal effect on your health!

High triglycerides could indicate a switch from healthy cholesterol to small, dense cholesterol which higher risks for heart disease. They stay on the walls of blood vessels, which form plaque, trigger heart disease

This experiment kept calorie intake the same before and during the experiment, the difference is the source of the calories, swapping healthy fat for sugar related products. He didn't change the calorie intake amount, didn't eat any garbage food like ice cream , sweets, chocolate, etc.

Throw away your cereal and low-fat yogurt, start eating bacon eggs and avocado without toast. Snack on nuts and cheese, don't eat muesli bars. Dinner on fish with fat left on, with lots of green vegetables.

Once you remove the hormone disruptor, fructose, from your diet, your appetite control works again and your weight drops.

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