They say it's a bad movie, but I don't think so

Coralie 2022-03-24 09:03:00

Five years ago, the god film "Interstellar" with a score of 9.3 is still being talked about. The new film of Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway teamed up again has been quietly released in 2019.

Left: Interstellar (2014) Right: Shockwave (2019)

Although the reputation of this film is not very good, and the rating is as low as 6 points, I think there are still some things to watch.

The following content contains spoilers, and those who are interested can directly pull to the final analysis part.


Captain Baker, played by Matthew McConaughey, lives on an island called Plymouth.

His whole life goal was to catch a big fish that he missed several times, and he named it "Justice".

The island is small, and everyone on the island is eccentric. Such as the prostitute living by the sea, who peeks at Baker and his boat through the shutters all day long; the salesman in suits, who misses Baker every time he comes to see him; the people in the bar who sit in the same position every night... ...

What's even more amazing is that everyone on the island knows everything that happened - almost at the same time that the mysterious woman came to find Baker, everyone knew that Baker was in trouble.


The new woman was named Karen, Baker's ex-wife.

She came to Baker, hoping that he could take his current husband out to sea and throw it into the sea to feed the sharks.

After Baker went on a mission to Iraq that year, Karen took her son to marry her current husband, a construction tycoon.

The man was short-tempered and frequently punched and kicked Karen's mother and son.


Baker hesitated and decided to kill the tycoon for the sake of his son.

Everyone on the island knew what he was thinking, and they came to dissuade him one after another. The salesman even waited for him until 2:00 in the morning. While persuading him to let go of his killing intent, he revealed a major message:

[ Actually everything is fake, you are a character living in the game ]

Frightened, Baker looked out the map and found that except for the island, the rest of the world was blank.

There is also the weirdness of information sharing on the island, and everyone can only get up after 5 in the morning, which is indeed controlled by certain rules.

Baker understands: the whole island is a game created by his son, and he is one of the characters. Before the tycoon goes to the island, the task is to catch the big fish; after the tycoon goes to the island, the task is to get rid of the tycoon.

Baker's son staring at the computer screen


Baker took the tycoon out to sea and met the big fish called "Justice".

He tied the fishing rod to the tycoon and let "justice" take the tycoon to the deep sea, and he died.

In real life, Baker's son, listening to his mother's screams, picked up a knife and stabbed his stepfather to death.

In fact, Baker died in 2006. His son built a fishing game on the computer out of his longing for him, inspired by the good memories of his father taking him fishing when he was a child.

The plot part ends here, and the following is the parsing part.

Only by fishing in this world that only belongs to himself and his father can the son temporarily forget his nostalgia for his father and his hatred for his stepfather.

This point, the son arranged for the mouth of the tycoon in the game to say it.

In-game character tycoon retells son's words

The character of Baker is more like a double projection of the father's image and the son's heart. He named the big fish "Justice", but he couldn't find it, which symbolized that the son longed for justice for himself and his mother, but no one came. help them.

Through Baker's mouth, the son expresses his unknown and ununderstood loneliness

As the stepfather's atrocities became more and more serious, the son finally became murderous. He arranged for the tycoon to go to the island. Although he subconsciously knew that this was wrong (dissuaded by other people on the island and the salesman), he still let the big fish "justice" take it away. stepfather.

Therefore, even though he is imprisoned in reality, his son still thinks his actions are "just". He uses his imagination to re-build a new world in his mind, where there is a sparkling sea and a warm sunset. With him and his father, they will never be separated.

The film's ratings are not high, and the starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway almost won the worst film award "Golden Raspberry Award" for the worst actor and actress.

I think that although the plot structure and shooting techniques are open to question, the core of the story is still very sad and sad.

A poor boy who lost his father and was abused by his stepfather relives his father's few parent-child times over and over again in his imagination to do justice for himself and his mother.

The sudden loss of fatherly love and the harm caused by his stepfather will become indelible wounds in his life. And all this is unknown, he sits alone in the cold prison, rebuilding the warm port in his mind, showing a heart-wrenching smile.

After getting a promise from his imaginary dad, the boy shows the only smile in the whole movie

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Extended Reading

Serenity quotes

  • Constance: Okay, Dill. Say fate gave you the choice: you can get the lady, or you could catch that tuna that's in your head. Which one would you choose?

  • Duke: Pity is worse than a fist to the face.