Why not get another crown

Anabelle 2022-09-13 18:39:14

I can't remember how long it's been since I didn't stand for a certain drama series in the circle of friends. Although I still post in the meager occasionally, I openly expressed my preferences in my social circle. The rhythm of society has become more and more out of place. But this time is different. When I heard about this documentary, I immediately posted it on the Moments. Of course, there are also some selfishness in it. After all, a "friend" who can like such a documentary must at least be After all, the popularity of the NBA in China relies more on Chairman Yao, and at that time, Jordan, who was teased as a "god", "gang leader" and "old hooligan", had already retired for the third time.

And this documentary is the record of Jordan's last season before his second retirement, and it was the Bulls dynasty that completed the feat of its second three-peat. One more thing, in fact, the material for the documentary has been filmed long ago. It was only after the Warriors successfully lost the championship with 73 wins in the regular season that Boss Joe agreed to release this documentary. This is full of selfishness.

There is not much novelty in the shooting methods and content of the whole documentary. For us old fans, it is more to recall the invincible domineering of the Bulls and the carefree and carefree youth. I feel that as for the materials, most of them already know. And what shocked me the most was at the end of the last episode, when asked if he thought about playing another year, Jordan answered without hesitation, if he stayed Phil stayed and Dennis stayed, then Scott will stay, so there's no doubt they'll be champions. This answer does answer the questions that have plagued him for many years - even if the championship in 1998 was not as smooth as the previous two years, I believe that in the eyes of many fans, as long as the team of this team is still there, it is playing A year later, they are still the clear choice for the championship. After all, this is a typical case of Jordan's single-handedly leading from a fish-belly team to a dynasty team, and what supports them in winning the championship is the heart of a champion that should never be underestimated. Because there is such a pure goal, one line in the film focuses on reviewing from Jordan's joining to the first three-peat, his first retirement, the start of the second three-peat, and the other line is the description Despite all the difficulties they encountered in the final season, from Scott's absence, to Dennis' loss of control, but none of these difficulties did not form a real obstacle, the Bulls are still on the road to winning the championship, because they have Jordan, the man who always wanted to win, to beat his opponents, to win championships.

So, as answered when asked about that, if they play another year, they're still champs

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