This is definitely an inspirational movie!

Ayla 2022-03-21 09:02:36

When I saw the recommendation on Xunlei, I thought it would be the youth romantic comedy I have always liked, but as the story progressed, my disappointment at the beginning turned into tears.
Jenna lives in a small place, a tax auditor with an annual income of 30,000 can be proud of her ability, and she is just an ordinary pizza restaurant waitress, not even like the girl in "Idol Have a Date", who can get lucky and The idol's dating opportunity, and there is a chance to turn a sparrow into a phoenix. All Jenna comes into contact with every day is a difficult husband, a vicious supervisor, a picky boss and two strange female colleagues. The heroine in "Idol Date" is youthful, lively, and has six different smiles, while Jenna, she bears more forbearance and suffering.
I wonder why Jenna put up with her nasty husband for so long, thinking he was a weak woman. No money, no home, can stay with mother or friends temporarily. Could it be that the pain caused by her husband was not enough for her to abandon all her concerns and leave? Of course, she did intend to leave, but she was found with a suitcase and the money hidden at home, in exchange for her husband's nervous and terrifying questioning, and, of course, being beaten. Even the boss who blamed her for being unfaithful said: Your husband is indeed an asshole.
Her two best girlfriends (or, rather, had to be better because she can't reach other people), are also freaks. One has a bitter face all day because he is not beautiful, and the other complains that his breasts are asymmetrical and takes care of his seriously ill husband because of responsibility and morality, but has an affair with his always hated supervisor. When Jenna asked the supervisor: "can you call yourself a happy man?", the supervisor replied: "if you ask me a serious question, I tell you. happy enough. I don't expect too much, give much I don't get much . I generally enjoy what I deseave." This is the passage that impressed me the most. Actually, Jenna didn't expect much. even love. That handsome gynecologist actually didn't give her any promises. He was just the only bright color in her dark life. The meaning was nothing more than to make her look forward to her boring work and family, so that she could keep smiling innocently. However, as shown in the video, after giggling, she brought that "Naughty Pumpkin PIE" to the clinic, and what she saw was the semi-retired former doctor, and the answer she got was nothing more than "Dr. Pottman and his wife... ..."
At first, I always thought that the doctor would take her out of this dead place and escape from everything, because I had no doubt that the screenwriter would be so cruel to let this beauty make all kinds of delicious pies in his mind The suffering woman just sank. However, in the end, there was no such clue, and I even wondered if Jenna had to waste her life here for this Baby she never welcomed, as old Joe said.
However, she saw old Joe at the most difficult time of childbirth, the doctor's beautiful and lively wife, and, at the same time, her neurotic husband. Obviously, the doctor who never forgets to close the door every time he has a passion with her has never raised the slightest topic of marriage proposal with her. However, old Joe, the old man who stabbed every time, gave her the card with a drip before the major operation - at that time, it was just a card.
The birth of a child changed everything. At the first sound, she was unwilling to respond, but when the cute little life stretched her arms and legs in her arms, all the previous reluctance turned into a violent explosion: I want to divorce you, I want you from now on. Get out of my life! Then, quietly and lovingly looked at the lovely baby, ignoring the angry husband. All the difficulties in reality are no match for the smiling face of a child.
After all, God took her well, old Joe, not only greetings, but also material care—that old Joe’s pizza shop! So, this woman who once made me angry, after bravely getting out of the bitter sea, hugged her daughter and won the pizza prize that I have been longing for! The blue ribbon represents honor and a symbol of the beginning of a new life. I thank old Joe, in place of the cowardly doctor, for helping her to easily start the life she has longed for!
A lot of people say it's a comedy. Yeah? Obviously not.
By the way, at the end, let me sigh with emotion. Although it is a low-budget movie, basically everyone except the heroine is familiar to me. For example, in the role of a doctor, he also played a derailed and cowardly husband in Desperate Housewives, who is also an obstetrician and gynecologist; the perverted husband, guessing that he should be the killer's not too cold policeman? And those two weird but lovely colleagues, that supervisor, and old Joe!

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Waitress quotes

  • Earl: I don't care if you are fat now. You're my sweet thing.

  • Becky: Good, cause this is my lil' adventure.

    Jenna: Your little adventure?

    Becky: Yeah, I'm having me a lil' adventure after many years of lots of nothin'

    Jenna: You love him?

    Becky: Cal? I don't know. But I love it. I love having someone to look pretty for. I love waking up and having something to look forward to. Something fun and sneaky and sexy.

    Jenna: He love you?

    Becky: He kinda likes me, kinda hates me. It's fun.

    Jenna: Doesn't sound very fun.

    Becky: He makes me forget about my invalid husband. My loneliness. The dreadful misplacement of my bosoms.