The ending of the show is amazing

Tyreek 2022-11-18 12:47:04

A beauty and "bad woman" represent two different ideas. , "Bad Women" belong to conservatives, take the church as their belief, and think that dust is harmful; while Yimei is not bound by outdated dogma, and regards dust as a reflection of the new world. The world is not black and white, but gray. What the girl doesn't believe is the mother who loves her the most (personally, she doesn't think that her mother will hurt Roger, she just wants to keep Laila by her side); and the father she believes in treats her friends mercilessly, and the girl beats him so hard A good hand, the boy is still smart, and in the end, he is caught in the battle between adults and becomes cannon fodder. Those who will manipulate others will eventually be manipulated. This is the reality, it is a dark fairy tale for adults, and it is different from the happy ending of a fairy tale.

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