Arkansas Arrogance - Arkansas Film Review

Calista 2022-09-15 21:35:21

Those stunners ruined everything? When the old boss frog was collapsed, I felt that the film did not make it clear.

Young people want to ask for it step by step, as long as there is a channel, they are willing to do it, and they form a group to see the opportunity to jump into the drug circle. They respect assignments, honestly sell drugs, and commit crimes.

What did the old guys do? They have their own outdated way of doing things - rules first, morality is the criterion. Over the years, they have been accustomed to group skipping rope and enjoyed it. Although it can't stand the impact, it looks beautiful.

Lengtouqings also want to step in, they are not afraid of the skipping rules, they are used to stumbling and stumbling. Although they took the initiative to send their heads up to find them, the old guys still looked down on them. The only old dude who can trust these young guys is in an accident - smack - far from what I expected. The next conflict will still not be beyond my expectations, the result is - as expected, the one who killed this old fox is also a tender!

To my surprise, the story has no mercy at all, or the creator thinks he has grasped the important point, thinks he can tell the law of events, and uses chance to prove the law?

The old mentor was killed, and Leng Touqing naturally refused to let the initiator go.

If it weren't for the creator's reliance on the old to sell the old, I can't think of any reason. The old fox who was killed, at the end of the day, easily pulled the young guy as a backer.

The old fox was gone, causing Leng Touqing to no longer be able to—the old guys who could look up— they began to have no scruples.

They directly broke the rules, they didn't care whether the drug trafficking chain was complete, they easily found and killed the old guy behind the tender.

Then it's over! Hard work, enduring humiliation, and conscientiousness, the rules established by the BOSS frog are damaged, and he cannot tolerate it. By the way, the creator really wants to describe the burden of humiliation, and many people may be able to see it with hard work, but it does take a lot of sympathy for the director to appreciate this. Daniel Pleinway is especially good at oil pipes, and being beaten by a young man in the church is called bearing humiliation.

The old guys are always arrogant, even if the BOSS frog struggles at the beginning, it is still an old age. So Wei Wei endures humiliation, bears weight, and is disrespectful, and has a money-making assembly line that everyone in the drug circle is envious of, and has actually become a rumored figure!

The stupefied youths began to indulge and wreak havoc. The old guys are going to take care of these stunners, they've been cooking all the stunners the whole movie!

...oh my goodness I'm a bit older than them, but I still can't find my spot! Because the one caught on both ends of the line of fire was slightly older than Leng Touqing, and younger than the old guy, he was not spared either.

As soon as they leave the shelter of the old guys, or even run out of sight of the old guys mischievously, they will ask for trouble. It is small to be beaten, and it is big to lose their lives. They make their own decisions as if they lack a root, or more precisely, they make their own decisions as if they lack a root. They betrayed their faith, abandoned their family, and ran away with money! Anger - of course, for revenge on Leng Touqing, they are the most pitiful, oh my god, I don't want to grow old . They are not as powerful as the stunned youths, nor are they as good at calculations as the old guys.

They are useless, they are utterly defeated, they are pitiful, and when they come to the old guy's door - a stepping-stone for the two sides to meet!

The old BOSS frog shadow is very moving, recalling the past, planning to regroup, change places, and rebuild mountains and rivers. To be honest, I really look forward to it, and I hope he will have another fantastic business.

In the end, Leng Touqing finally got rid of his hatred for nothing. The only Johanna who may have a sense of redemption, got the fate of fleeing with dirty money. Her complete fate also includes the father of the child who just died, and what's worse is that she still loves him very much! The worst part is that it's an old routine, and the worst part is that there is no mercy in the whole film! In short, the film is too direct, too brutal, too sympathetic, and will be too tortured.

Leng Touqing doesn't have a good end, after all, he doesn't listen to the old man! When the old fox is dying, I can also understand that the director is trying to defend the phenomenon of old age and wisdom. From the side, those who are no longer stunned and have not grown into old guys. They explain what it means to die prematurely, but everyone is dying. Why does the old fox still refuse to shut up? Why didn't he tell all the old guys while he was alive, talk to the young people more.

Before he was cleaned up by the young man, he had a car to accompany him just now! What do the stunned youths have? They work hard and then lose their lives. In my opinion, it is to gently say to the dying younger generation: "You have never died, so I am able to comfort you as a successful person." Always. of self-confidence.

The whole film places all hopes on the child in Johanna's womb. His growth is doomed to be bumpy, because his soul mentor, his father, died unborn. The whole film reveals that the view that the young people who are no longer optimistic about the living can be carried out grandly from beginning to end.

The old guys' point is: watch them grow - watch them bring hope - watch them bring disappointment.

The whole film is arrogant and unabashedly preaching. In short, those who listen to me will prosper, and those who do not listen to me will be hurt.

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Arkansas quotes

  • Frog: They are stupid. That's what makes them dangerous.

  • Joe: I am the boss.

    Joe: You may never refuse an order and you may never quit.