Danish tragedy

Lillian 2022-03-22 09:02:47

I understand this film from a tragic perspective.

The main axis of this tragedy is that the power class in the establishment consumes the weak class, which leads to moral conflict, and finally turns into a story with a tragic ending. The incestuous plot of the stepmother and stepson merely provides an environment that makes this conflict more intense and absurd. The film has nothing to do with ethics.

The heroine Annie is highly educated, has a wealthy life, is engaged in a powerful and respected industry, has a happy family, and even has noble sentiments (such as a sense of justice). She is a standard Western intellectual middle class, or what we commonly call Zuojiao . Her stepson Gustav, on the other hand, was the exact opposite: from a broken family, without money, with a simple mind, and with little expertise.

However, such a useless stepson, there is one thing that can be consumed and used, and that is his flesh and dignity. And his status as a stepson made him change from an ordinary piece of fresh meat to a rare piece of game, making ordinary sneak jumping more exciting and exotic. For the sanctimonious Anne, the attraction is self-evident.

In the modern material society, everyone is working hard to produce for consumption, and the purpose of consumption is to escape from reality and to adjust their mentality to continue production. The only difference is that my consumption of ordinary people is to eat a good foreign cuisine, or to travel abroad for shopping. And Aunt Annie is more playful. Those who don't swim go swimming, and those who don't get tattoos get tattoos. In fact, they are all for the pleasure of escape. But these can't satisfy her, so in the end, she will play a big game. Come to an AV plot to hook her stepson, which is the ultimate escape and high-end consumption.

That's how Annie began her adventure. The first derailment between the two parties was that Annie took the initiative to tease Gustav. At first, it seemed that she was pleasing him, but then she turned around and finished it in the way of going forward. The whole process shows her intent to objectify Gustav for consumption. Because, in that position, you don't need to see the other's face at all, and in fact the expressions of both sides are more mechanical. To put it bluntly, all Anne needed was a young penis, so she didn't have to see him. This materialization was even more obvious when she bought Gustav the "most powerful" computer afterwards. But what's more intriguing about this scene is Gustav's reaction. He didn't resist, but he didn't show much enjoyment. This may seem a little weird, but when we look around, don't ordinary people also have this kind of unthinking passive acceptance of the needs of the power class?

As a result, the two established a secret relationship, which quickly became hot. Gustav was tortured, so much so that Annie betrayed Gustave without thinking. The sharp conflict broke out immediately, and the movie entered the most interesting and interesting tension part. I won't say much about this, everyone sees their own feelings. Anyway, the summary is one sentence: as a consumer product, it is Gustav's fate to be used up and discarded.

A lot of people said that Gustav's ending was too weak and didn't match him in the first half. On the contrary, I think this is reasonable, because the power class not only controls the normal channels of complaint (he later went to the law firm to find Annie's theory), but also controls the definition of "facts", and the weak class can't do anything at all. counteraction. It is conceivable that Gustav chose to commit suicide under a severe sense of powerlessness. Since you can't beat you, self-harm is often the only reaction of vulnerable people. The reason why some persecuted people choose to set themselves on fire and why the workers choose to go on strike is also the same. Of course, the most important thing is that this ending meets the expectations of the movie as a form of tragedy.

In addition, I don't quite agree with some people who say that this film has a relationship with women's rights. Just imagine that if the story is changed to the stepfather seduce the stepdaughter, everyone's attention will definitely go astray.

Finally, I want to say that the most successful part of this film is that the characters are portrayed realistic enough. In fact, drama should be like this, putting real people in a fictional environment to experience a fictional plot, so that there is conflict, and it can hit the hearts of the audience and make people think. It's like the scene in which Anne cried near the end of the film, and it makes people feel that this person is real. But this is not to tell you what kind of compassion she has, but to highlight her hypocrisy, which is characteristic of the modern Western elite power class.

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Queen of Hearts quotes

  • Anne: You think I'm a monster.

  • Anne: Sometimes what happens and what must never happen are the same thing.

    Gustav: Like you and me?