
Armani 2022-03-21 09:02:19

Before watching this movie, my good-looking grandfather just passed away in the hospital, and the reason was simply that he did not receive timely and reasonable treatment. He did not even have a high fever during the ten days in the hospital, but it was because of The negligence of the hospital led to the tragedy. I don't want to blame anyone, but I want to express my indignation at this incident. It turned out that I couldn't wait to download and watch this movie I heard about before after such an incident happened to my relatives. The comparison and the reports I found were shocking.
That hospital is the best hospital in the city, but also the one with the highest accident rate. There are many senior physicians, and even postdoctoral titles. But they were always followed by many young nurses who had just come out of the medical school. And the end of the treatment is always those little nurses who don't care about the account. When my family visited at night, I did see a few nurses playing with the computer on their own while leaving many patients suffering from illness. This scene made me feel sad. You must know that the medical systems of some European countries filmed in the film not only serve the people for free, but also pay bonuses based on the condition of the patients being cared for. In contrast, in our country, how many doctors in medical insider clothes and beasts, for their own interests, pay dividends to hospitals or drug manufacturers at the end of the month, pick up the most expensive but the most ineffective medical equipment to patients, or prescribe them. Some medicines that have no obvious curative effect, but because they are expensive and can be offered to families that ignore the poverty of the patient, have no conscience. Some even cause people and death, which is not only for making money, but for killing. Such reports are not rare. The pure and noble images in white coats suddenly became disgusting and sanctimonious devils.
We should ask ourselves "who are we?" as the film tells us. Why is this happening? What kind of cunning smile did those ill-conscientious doctors have when they got thousands of commissions at the end of the month, did they not feel a little bit of shame for their filthy behavior, did they not receive a little moral condemnation, or did they not at all Morality.
What kind of system do we need? The liberal socialism described in the film has not been seen at all in a country that insists on taking the socialist line. How disappointing is this. Our medical system is not even as good as the United States, but if we have Michael Moore, we may not be able to see the inside story of the Chinese version of medical care, because it has been blocked by the Radio and Television Bureau long ago. Just because we're not democratic enough, many of our health care, social security, housing, and education systems aren't the broadest for the people. We need to see the truth, and we still have a long way to go.

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Sicko quotes

  • Michael Moore: I'm wondering why you expect your fellow Canadians, who don't have your problem, why should they, through their tax dollars, have to pay for a problem you have.

    Canadian: Because we would do the same for them.

    Michael Moore: Yeah, but...

    Canadian: It's just the way it's always been, and so we hope it'll always be.

    Michael Moore: Right. But if you just had to pay for your problem, and don't pay for everybody else's problem - just take care of yourself.

    Canadian: Well, there are lots of people who aren't in a position to be able to do that. And somebody has to look out for them.

    Michael Moore: Are you a member of like the Socialist party here?

    Canadian: No, no.

    Michael Moore: Green party?

    Canadian: No. Well, actually I'm a member of the Conservative party. Is that bad?

    Michael Moore: Well, it's just a little confusing.

    Canadian: Well, it shouldn't be. I think that where medical matters are concerned, it wouldn't matter in Canada what party you were affiliated with.

  • Michael Moore: So there was actually one place on American soil that had free, universal healthcare.

    [cut to aerial picture of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba]

    Michael Moore: That's all I needed to know. I went down to Miami, Florida, Got myself a boat, and loaded up Bill, and Reggie, and John, and anyone else I could find who needed o see a doctor, and couldn't afford one. So many people showed up, I had to get a few extra boats. And I called up Donna Smith from Denver, who was now on 9 different medications, and asked her if she'd like to come along. I figured she'd like to get out of her daughter's basement for a while.