Ten million Gabita

Okey 2022-03-21 09:02:24

Ten million Gabita

——Analysis of the film "Three Weeks and Two Days in April"

"I hope the film is to convey real eyes, who criticize political and social fallacies and strive for the happiness of the masses."

Darkness, sadness, powerlessness, surrounded by layers of smoke like smoke, turmoil and panic can be seen everywhere, the film restores the unbearable past to a certain extent, and the dusty memory is opened again. Just how many girls are like Gabita, we never know.

The story of "Two Days in Three Weeks in April" takes place in the cold winter of 1987. It is set at the end of Ceausescu's reign and unfolds with the absurd "abortion policy". It tells the story of the girl Gabita having an abortion with the help of her roommate Ottila. In the story, director Christian Mungi vividly showed the oppression, exploitation, and darkness and indifference of human nature by the political system through the abortion experience of two girls in one day. Why is their story not a part of the microcosm of the times? Woolen cloth?

The room is filled with the ticking sound of the clock, the ashtray next to it has unfinished cigarettes, the goldfish in the fish tank are swimming, until they keep hitting the wall of the fish tank, as if trying to break free, the camera turns to the smoking Gabita , the dilapidated dormitory, two thin girls, they are talking to each other, Gabita is packing, no one knows what they are going to do, with the shaking of the camera, it seems that we are really watching these two girls.

Space: Uncompromising Oppression

The story of the two girls begins in a dilapidated dormitory. Ottila shuttles back and forth through the dark and long stairwell of the dormitory, until the other end of the corridor is connected to the outside with a faint light from the window, which is a squeezed space structure. Outside the window is a bright and bright world. The long, swaying camera shot Ottila under the backlight. Sadness, oppression, and loneliness are all told in this group of shots. The bound fish is like a fish, but even the shackles of the fish tank that break free will still die due to the lack of water. Even if they escape from this suffocating society, the future is still vague and confused, and how many girls want to They are as helpless, and the two abandoned kittens are metaphors for him and them.

There are very few large spaces in the film, whether it is in the school dormitory where the story begins, or the hotel where the story begins and ends, it is a small enclosed space, including the bus that Otilite takes, and the car of Doctor Bibi. , visiting her boyfriend for exams, and attending a birthday party at her boyfriend's house, as if these two young girls were imprisoned by something, only after we actually watched the film did we understand that under the absurd system, people's offensive words Next, there is the "boyfriend" who has never shown up, who will truly understand how much malice this society has towards these young girls. The boyfriend who has never been masked is not alone, and Doctor Bibi is not an exception. The pressure is like this one closed space after another binds these young girls.

The director expresses this emotion all the time. When Otilite went to school to find Adi, a shot of Otilite in the gap between the walls was like a peep on her, and when she entered the frame, it was like A squeeze, oppression, girls like Otilite are always living hard under the surveillance of the rules and regulations, and every shot carefully designed by the director is unforgettable.

For Doctor Bibi, who decides the fate of the two girls, it represents the oppression of an irresistible force from men. In front of them, women appear extremely weak. When Doctor Bibi entered the small room of the hotel, the director expressed a kind of feeling of oppression. The triangular composition will place Doctor Bibi, Otilite and Gabita on each corner respectively, while the director will place Doctor Bibi in the position closest to the camera, he seems to be at the top corner holding down the two girls, and Gabita is both visually positioned. Lower than Otilite and the doctor, at this time her fate is more in the hands of the doctor called Bibi, the absolute oppression of the doctor is getting stronger at this time.

Characters: Lost in Search of Safety

Although the aborted person of the film is Gabita, and Otilite is more like the protagonist of the film, it is more like Otilite, the overall tone of the film is cool, and coupled with the desolate scene of winter, this film is even more depressing. Only the color of Otilite's clothes is full of vitality. The color of Otilite's clothes has changed from blue to green at the beginning. Green is a color full of vitality, hope and strength, which is a metaphor for Otilite's strong character. Undressing may also set the stage for being forced to have sex with the doctor after the film.

The director worked hard to make Otilite a character with flesh and soul from the very beginning. The classmates would ask for leave for him, her boyfriend loves her very much, and she also has affection for the abandoned kitten. These are all telling the audience that Otilite is a A pure, righteous and caring girl, such a girl is also more willing to be depended on; in stark contrast to Gabita's irresponsibility, indifference, and even lying, and Gabita's cowardice and cowardice are also the epitome of women in that era , Gabita's image is the traditional female image of perverse and timid social products, and at this time, the helpless Gabita is seeking support from Otilite, and I don't know that Otilite also slowly regards herself as the next Gabita, and Otilite herself is also an extreme Insecure women, when Otilite discussed pregnancy with her boyfriend Adi, Otilite said without hesitation that at least Gabita would help her. The uncertainty about the future made the originally calm girl at a loss. When she said directly When Gabita helps her, it also shows that this kind and righteous girl is confused about her future life. When she couldn't answer what work the engineering girl could do, it was also a sign of confusion.

Doctor Bibi is the embodiment of shamelessness in this film. When the camera is given to the pair of white-gloved hands, it becomes particularly ironic. The doctor is the embodiment of selflessness and kindness, and Doctor Bibi obviously violates this. But looking at the social reasons, Dr. Bibi is still sad. When Dr. Bibi was carrying Otilite and said he was going to do some errands, the director intentionally gave a panning shot of the surrounding buildings while the car was driving, although we couldn't see it. To whether Dr. Bibi also lives in the building, but from where he parked, the potholes we can guess that this is a contrast to the former high-rise building, until the mother with mental symptoms appears in the picture, we understand Due to the extreme oppression of life, he had to do such illegal things as helping others to have an abortion, and when he learned that his reward was not proportional to the risk he took, the selfish and ugly side of human nature was exposed, and it was precisely In this way, we can feel the same confusion and uncertainty about the future that doctors have in this society. The restless heart has turned into deformed desire. Doctor Bibi is not an exception.

The same is true for Adi, whether it is the exclusion of Adi from the dining table in family gatherings, or the positional relationship when talking to Olitite in the room, all of them tell that Adi is a weak male representative, or maybe Adi also represents Gabita's boyfriend who never showed up, he couldn't give Olitite a reliable promise. Regarding the topic of pregnancy, he was even more evasive. The evasion was not because he was confused about the future. In that absurd society, everyone They are all impetuous and confused, and everyone is trying their best to find a life-saving straw of their own.

Music: Silent is better than sound

The film does not use a piece of music from the beginning to the end, but the unprocessed natural sounds are more like dragging the film's emotions into the bottom. The rapid ticking of the clock at the beginning of the film and the sound of running water in the toilet cover up the sound of making love outside the door. Otilite used the sound of toilet flushing to give her peace of mind, the sound of cars, etc. These sounds allude to the turbulent society at that time. When Gabita tried to cover up the sound of sex outside the door with the sound of running water, we can also feel the extreme pain and helplessness in Gabita's heart. If she hadn't helped her get an abortion, she wouldn't have caused such a situation, but now she can only be in this situation. Otilite seeks safety and seeks help. All her hopes are on Otilite. The sound of running water is particularly harsh at this time. Perhaps the audience does not understand why others should pay for their sins.

But the fact is so cold and cruel, in order to redeem himself (maybe one day in the future, O will be the next G), whether it is for himself or his friends, Otilite has to make such a decision, and we can also feel the society's attitude towards them. Ruthless is like this flowing water, always cold. I have to say that when Otilite rushed to the toilet naked, it was the director who brought us into that absurd world. The same is true for Gabita, for their half-nakedness, we are undoubtedly all consuming them, strong. Impact the audience's vision and thoughts.

The fallen baby wrapped in a white towel is another great visual impact. A long shot allows us to actually see a baby that has been slightly humanoid, covered with blood and surrounded by a white towel. Otilite wraps him , put him carefully in his schoolbag and left the hotel. The camera followed him through one alley after another. The shaking camera was full of unease and coldness. The darkness swallowed the figure of otilite, and the rapid breathing sound was unusually harsh. , Otilite has not found a place to discard the baby for a long time, and the barking of a dog on the road may represent Otilite's inner fear and tension.

Finally, she stumbles into a residential building, the corridor is full of the noise of the residents, and Otilite's mood is in stark contrast to them, when she dumps the baby's body in the trash, she is there After standing for a long time, the gasp was even more harsh at this time, and in the only ray of light, we could see a lonely girl repenting for what she had done, but she had to do it.

In this film with a very realistic style, the use of natural sound undoubtedly maximizes emotional expression, and makes the audience feel the despair in the absurd society.

Dialogue : Exposure of Absurd Humanity

In this short day of abortion, a kind and pure girl seemed to see through all kinds of disguises in one day. She was obsessed with why Gabiat lied, but she did not know that there was a more painful truth behind the lie. Young women of 2000 have to use one lie after another in exchange for their survival in that absurd society. After Dr. Bibi left, Otilite sat in a chair and had a conversation with Gabiat. We can learn about Gabiat's situation and not. Not an exception, every girl can become a Gabita. There were thousands of Gabita in that era. In the dialogue here, the focus of the camera has always been on Otilite's profile. This long shot seems to let us feel Otilite's heart. of ups and downs.

Sadly, there is nothing you can do about it. When Otilite went to Adi's mother's birthday party, the liveliness at the table formed a strong contrast with Otilite's heart. In addition to worrying about Gabita, the words at the table disturbed Otilite's mood. On this day, she witnessed The hypocrisy and ugliness of human nature in the dark, the director used a meaningful long shot here, like sharp eyes, looking directly at everyone at the table, penetrating one hypocritical face after another. Those well-dressed intellectuals are so rotten and stubborn, and what is the difference between them and the shameless Bibi doctor. "After studying science, you don't have to go back to the countryside," said this group of intellectuals, who had the same face as Doctor Bibi. The whole scene is completed in one shot. Otilite's identity as a working class is not worth mentioning, and he is studying science to avoid returning to the countryside. Smoking in front of the elders is outrageous. At this time, Otilite is like going through a long interrogation. The anger that I wanted to explode several times had to be suppressed secretly in my heart, until these anger turned into accusations against her boyfriend and tears in her eyes, and in the dialogue with her boyfriend, Otilite was completely woken up.

On Otilite's way back to the hotel she was gagging on the side of the road, perhaps because she saw the ugliness of human nature.

The application of Bazin's long-shot theory in the film can be described as extreme. As director Jia Zhangke said, "Sometimes people are a group that is good at forgetting. We are too easy to forget, so we need movies." For those who live in absurd systems In the eyes of its creators and supporters, these experiences are nothing more than a layer of mist, and when the wind blows them away, they will naturally disappear, and the people who are rejoicing for this have long been unable to start a new one. A history of life, ugly and even cruel may be slowly forgotten by people, and this film has the function of recording. Director Christian Mongy did not express this history with great social unrest, but put this kind of history. The restlessness and turmoil endowed on the two young women not only triggered a reflection on women's issues in contemporary society, but also reflected people's reflection and hatred of that dark period.

in addition:

The use of color in the film is also worthy of attention. In addition to the color of the clothes analyzed earlier, Bibi doctor's red car is particularly conspicuous on the street with gray and cold colors. When Otilite gets in the car, it also means the arrival of danger. , There is also a more ingenious place, in Adi's house, Adi's father wears blue clothes, while his mother wears red clothes. When looking for Dr. Bibi in Otilite, there is a gas station, with blue as the main body and red as a very A small part is attached in front of the gas station, and at the dining table, Adi's father kisses her because the mother made by his wife tastes delicious, although it does not taste like mother, and at this time I feel more of a male dominance. Status rewards for women.

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Extended Reading

4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Otilia: Why did you make the reservation by phone?

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I thought it'd be like calling from somewhere else.

    Otilia: You "thought".

  • [subtitled version]

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I got rid of it. It's in the bathroom.