history has history

Jaime 2022-03-21 09:02:13

The 1993 movie is about what happened in a mansion before and after the Second World War. There are a lot of things that happened in this mansion. The German ambassador, the American ambassador, and Churchill were all guests. I don't know the historical details. The subtitle version I watched was terrible. I only guessed seven or eight points. It is not too much to say that this is a historical drama.
The interesting thing is that I can see the spirit of those actors 14 years ago in this historical drama with some history. It is really timeless. Anthony Hopkins was still very spirited at the time. It seemed to be around 50 at most. The professional housekeeper has come alive; Hugh Grant didn't seem to have performed "Four Weddings and One Funeral" at that time. He was not well-known, and there were quite a lot of role plays. Compared with last year's "K Song Lover", he was more popular as a middle-aged singer. He was also in good spirits; Christopher, who played the old version of Superman, was so healthy at the time that he didn't even sit in a wheelchair.

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The Remains of the Day quotes

  • Stevens: You know what I am doing, Miss Kenton? I am placing my thoughts elsewhere while you chatter away.

  • Miss Kenton: Look at it! Is that or is it not the wrong Chinaman?

    Stevens: Miss Kenton, I'm very busy. I am surprised that you have nothing better to do than stand around all day...

    Miss Kenton: Mr. Stevens, look at that Chinaman and tell me the truth!

    Stevens: Miss Kenton, I would ask you to keep your voice down. What would the other servants think to hear us shouting at the top of our voices about... Chinamen?

    Miss Kenton: And I would ask you, Mr. Stevens, to turn around and look at the Chinaman.