Chariots of Fire--A Challenge to Limits and Wills

Devyn 2022-03-21 09:02:12

In 1900, Paris became the most indifferent country in the world with its bad attitude towards the Olympic Games, and twenty-four years later, two outstanding athletes helped it go down in history forever. Dahl and Harold Abraham's Games", the two fastest runners in the world at the time, won the 400m and 100m titles respectively. The running sequence at the beginning and end of the film was spoofed by Bean at the 30th London Olympics, and it has become an eternal classic in film history and a spiritual icon in the sports world with the help of Vangelis' classic soundtrack "Chariots of Fire". .

One of them was a missionary, Eric Ridal. In order to cherish the talent and perseverance bestowed by God, he participated in races and won various championships. He immediately returned to China to preach and died of a brain tumor in a Japanese concentration camp; the other was a proud and active Jew. Harold Abraham, for the sake of family honor and the spirit of personal improvement, has surpassed himself again and again to fulfill his dreams, and single-handedly breaks racial barriers. This is a biopic of two great men, celebrated for their love for the world and their dedication to sport, with sweat and blood that will turn into tears of excitement as they win the trophy.

Chariots of Fire is a polite carnival of British gentlemen. Even the scenery seems to have been influenced by local culture. Under the extremely low-key scenery, there is a unique sense of nobility hidden in the green plateau. Its athletes are calm and confident, while the majestic Cambridge building grants its students thought and identity within its own deep cultural heritage. And they are also good at self-deprecating, and the coach punching through the hat is the best symbol, because at that time the headmaster of Cambridge tried his best to oppose Abraham being an amateur but choosing a professional coach to compete. I seem to hear him say, fuck your demeanor, go to hell Bar. Although Ridal has gained a higher reputation for his absolute principles and kindness in character rendering, the director undoubtedly paid more attention to Abraham's personal growth. There are two races in the film, in which the fierceness and inner passion of the game are first broken into pieces in a repressive way by means of slow motion and mute, and then loaded into the chamber, and cheers erupted after the ending was announced, and these two times belonged to Abraham, Won the school challenge and the Olympic 100-meter race. Perhaps because Ridal is too perfect, his body and spirit are close enough to God, and the growth route of a mortal added under the setting of taking the Jews as his own glory is more in line with the aesthetics of the film.

Ridal was scolded for not doing personal affairs on the Sabbath day because of his religious beliefs, and he gave up fighting for glory for the country. Later, he won the 400-meter long-distance running championship, which he was not good at, with amazing exercise and will. I admire such a person who has his own opinions and principles, and the honor he brings to the motherland is not compromised in the slightest. Abraham, on the other hand, can be a spiritual representative in sports themes. He is complacent because of his talent, works hard after encountering setbacks, rises up with the help of the right time and place, and finally overcomes himself, thereby defeating all opponents.

Like "A Beautiful Mind", the film has made a dream-fulfilling adaptation in some details, which is a sacred charm that cannot be added or subtracted by rigorous words.

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Chariots of Fire quotes

  • Harold M. Abrahams: Gentlemen, you yearn for victory just as I do. But achieved with the apparent effortlessness of gods. Yours are the archaic values of the prep-school playground. You deceive no one but yourselves. I believe in the pursuit of excellence - and I'll carry the future with me.

  • Lord Birkenhead: You Americans have a number of men who are rated as world-beaters; but, this contest is in Europe, not in the rarefied climes of the United States.