waste 4 hours of your life

Elyse 2022-09-12 11:56:39

I'm a big Jackson fan. Before commenting on this movie, I'll let go of my fandom and talk about this documentary scam.

I speak directly

1. The 1993 child molester's father committed suicide after Jackson's death. you think

2. In the case of 2003, Jackson did not back down. The police searched for more than a year and turned the Neverland Park upside down. As a result, nothing was found. you think

3 The FBI has been searching for nearly 14 years, and has listed a report of more than 300 pages, but there is still no clue.

4. The parties in the film said that Jackson had proved that Jackson had done nothing during his lifetime, and then he had today's rhetoric after going bankrupt.

Here I am done. I now want to talk about who is the one who scored 1 and who scored 5:

There are two types of points:

1. Jackson fans who believe their idol is innocent. Might be a little brainless.

2. They are also fans of Jackson, but they have gone to understand the truth of some incidents and know Jackson's behavior. They are all people who know Jackson very well. They have checked the information before inventing their own ideas. Brain powder.

There are also two types of people who give 5 points:

1. The feeling of an ordinary passer-by watching this documentary. This is normal, because this documentary is very good at exaggerating the atmosphere, and even some foreigners almost believe it.

2. Black fans, they don't care about the truth at all. It's like when a friend of mine talked to me about Jackson's negative news, he told me directly: I don't like him, I'm prejudiced against him, and I don't want to know him. There are many such people in the 5-point group. When you tell them some official evidence, they are speechless and change the subject and say something. This kind of person has no conscience, no morals and no quality. They don't know anything, and they will use the plot in the record to coerce Lai Lai.

Lies run sprints, truth marathons. -----Michael Jackson

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Leaving Neverland quotes

  • Wade Robson: He was one of the kindest, most gentle, loving, caring people I knew. He helped me... tremendously. He helped me with my career. He helped me with my creativity. With all those sorts of things. And he also sexually abused me... for seven years.