infinite loop

Marcelino 2022-12-15 08:48:58

The ecological box is a kind of animal and plant breeding place that simulates the natural ecological environment. The cuckoo at the beginning has already alluded to everything, traps, forced feeding children, death, almost shrill cry, this kind of near-perverted ecosystem has become a shortcut for Yonder to continue, a constantly updated real estate agent who grows up with death as nourishment In the end, the dove occupies the magpie's nest to start a new round of scams. The film itself is very bland. The only small climax is when the heroine swings a hammer to the "son". The plot is a bit lengthy. In fact, there are too many details of life that don't need to be delved into. Overall, it's okay.

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Vivarium quotes

  • Gemma: [Last lines]

    [while dying, Older boy is about to zip her in a body bag]

    Gemma: I'm not your fucking mother.

    Older Boy: What?

    Gemma: I... said... i'm not... your... fucking... mother.


    Older Boy: Whatever.

  • Gemma: What am I suppose to do with him?

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