The plot doesn't work

Mossie 2022-03-21 09:02:52

When the protagonist is running around giving speeches, it can still make people excited, but other places are more shabby. The plot is too rigid and can't be hardened again. For example, the protagonist was so innocent a second before that he was dedicated to serving the people as a grassroots candidate. Suddenly, he became enlightened and turned into a populist politician who played the rabble around, and the change was too abrupt. Although this kind of blockbuster is full of stars, it has no special skills to sell. Apart from selling face, it must sell some plot.

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All the King's Men quotes

  • Willie Stark: Time brings all things to light, I trust it so.

  • Jack Burden: The friend of your youth is the only friend you'll ever have. For he doesn't really see you. He sees in his mind a face which doesn't exist anymore, speaks a name... Spike, Bud, Red, Rusty... Jack... that belongs to that now nonexistent face. He's still the young idealist you used to be, still sees good and bad in black and white and men as sinners or saints but never both and feels superior in the knowledge that you no longer can distinguish the two. That's what drives you to it. To try to stick the knife in. There is a kind of snobbery in failure like the twist to the mouth of a drunk.