please 'drug' me

Yvonne 2022-04-19 08:01:03

"My father is a different person". What's different?
A son waited for his father's body, and his unhappy expression showed his depression. The funeral parlor was very embarrassed. It was sent to the wrong person. From the animation at the beginning, I knew that these people were not professional enough. Well, just kidding, you should still read the story.
The story is not slow or tight, very comfortable, and you will be very happy. Relax and watch it. To be honest, it's its poster that attracted me to the characters of those few people. One is a poster of 11 people, and the other is a poster of 6 people. The poster idea of ​​11 people is in that gesture (I don't I really understand what this gesture means) and the bottle of 'medicine'.
The 6-person poster has a good mood. Personally, the combination of the advantages of the two posters will be more exciting. Let others help you 'finish the coffin'. How to discuss the summary of the life of the deceased, and the changes in the lives of the living. This is not like the two brothers in 'The Mousetrap', and there is no hope in 'Elizabethtown'. The whole The movie changed everyone's destiny because of a bottle of 'medicine'. The arrangement is also very interesting. You can watch it with peace of mind.
I will not comment on the content. In a word, it is a cold and humorous movie.

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Death at a Funeral quotes

  • Uncle Alfie: I'm about to shit in my trousers.

  • Robert: [staring at coffin] Well, this is bloody grim, isn't it?