Chesley 2022-09-23 21:41:54

Superficially, my
evaluation criteria for movies are often that
a movie that can shock me is a good movie

, so "The Queen" is undoubtedly in line with the criteria of a good movie.
It shocks me that there are not a few
that only choose

one or two stories, the heroine. Precise performance

I like the way she walks, she is striding forward with great speed
I like her confidently saying: "Don't forget I was a mechanic during the war" I
like her ordering the dog, saying that it is not allowed to eat now
and her sobbing back,
Forbidden strength, suppressed sadness
After crying, she wiped the corners of her eyes, wiped her nose,
and then, taking a deep breath, her eyes were firm and

she said,
"Their grief?
If you think I will let go of the two princes who lost their mothers
and all the affairs here. Going to London,
you are so wrong!
No one knows the British people better than I do,
trusts their wisdom and judgment more, and
I believe they will at any time abandon
this great sadness created by the media and
choose to be quiet
It is the way of our nation to do things
without publicity and dignity, and the whole
world knows it."

She also said:
"People nowadays like speeches that are touching,
but I am not good at this. I have never been good at this. I don't
like to suppress my emotions
I foolishly think
people want this kind of queen
and not the fuss type
Responsibilities first, personal second.
I have been taught this way since I was a child
. I will only do this. "

Second, the skills of the director and screenwriter, except for Diana

and the 14-horned deer, the
others are all actors
. The almost real performance
made me remind myself in a trance
not to watch it as a documentary. There are also plot clues laid by the screenwriter of the

14-horned deer . The concubine's insinuation that it is so beautiful, the elegant queen appreciates it. When there is a faint gunshot in the distance, the queen waved to the 14-horned deer and gently urged it to "go, go quickly" ... But she tried her best to protect her but couldn't resist her fate. The undefended people's princess died in a foreign country, and the 14-horned deer could not escape the shotgun after all . When the queen came in a hurry, she touched the head of a cold alien place . In the face of the people's dissatisfaction and the pressure of public opinion, she can no longer silently mourn and cherish the lost relatives like ordinary people. She can only go to the camera with a blank face and tell people what they want to hear on TV. Third, the terrible power of the media is like Neil Postman in "Entertainment to Death" says that politics has gradually become "entertainment" through the media "people feel pain"

Not because they replace thinking with laughter,
but because they don't know why they laugh
and why they stop thinking. "

And what this film tells us is that
media practitioners indirectly caused poor Princess Diana to die;
mass media such as newspapers, radio, and television
transmit processed and encoded information
-- these "truths" that may not be true
to the unsuspecting consciousness. and the
film itself (of course also a medium)
tells us a "truth":
the Queen is misunderstood, and
what is the truth of the whole thing...

Of course, we have no way of verifying.
Although all Everyone preaches that "the earth is flat".
We are not as
omnipotent as in the past to get all kinds of information through the media.
But don't forget that
McLuhan said that "the medium is an extension of man."
McLuhan also said that "the medium is the message."
Most of what we know
is that the information relayed by the media is the information that
is not the real face, and the information
is only a form of expression in language.
"Language" means "medium",
"media" means "metaphor",
and "metaphor" creates our cultural content

that needs to be declared. I have no intention of
accusing the media of poisoning and indoctrination
. I still live under its encirclement inevitably, contentedly, and enjoyably.

At least this movie has taught me an important common sense of etiquette—
when I meet Her Majesty, I can never recite it. To her,
you can't turn around before her~~
isn't it?

Well, aside from those rational analysis and logical thinking, and
no longer arguing about what is true, what is false, what is right and what is wrong,
it’s just
the image of the queen created in this movie that
moved me deeply. Say GOD SAVE THE QUEEN in
the softest place in your heart, and hope that beauty will always be there~

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Extended Reading

The Queen quotes

  • HM Queen Elizabeth II: Oh, really? You don't think that what affection people once had for m... for this 'institution' has been diminished?

    Tony Blair: No, not at all. You are more respected now than ever.

    HM Queen Elizabeth II: I gather some of your closest advisors were less fulsome in their support.

    Tony Blair: One or two... But as a leader, I could never have added my voice to that chorus.

    HM Queen Elizabeth II: Because you saw all those headlines and you thought: 'One day that might happen to me'...

    Tony Blair: Oh... er...

    HM Queen Elizabeth II: ...and it will, Mr. Blair. Quite suddenly and without warning... So, shall we get on with the business in hand?

  • Prince Charles: They're going back to sleep, or try anyways. My private secretary office have found a travel agency out in New York that will sell me a flight to Paris, with a hour stop over in Manchester. Perhaps now you might like to consider whether it's still an extravagance to bring back the mother of the future king of England. In one of our planes.