ace vs ace

Durward 2022-03-21 09:01:43

1. Danny asks to negotiate with the stranger Speen. Because he knows that the Chicago police have long been corrupt and dark, and there are people in the police station who want to kill him. Since someone can kill Nick, they can kill him. That is to say, only by choosing the right person can the negotiation proceed smoothly and Danny can achieve his goal.

2. Use emotional factors to gain sympathy from others. During the negotiation, Danny won the sympathy of the police officers by expressing his relationship with the police officers. While Speen was on his way, Danny once again showed his strong desire to prove his innocence and the reality of the fact that the police department was killing him. Danny kept putting pressure on this group of people, not daring to act rashly. It also kept the sniper from pulling the trigger to kill him.

3. Find common ground of interests and create conditions for negotiation. Several details of Danny's two head-to-head confrontations with Spinn in the film reflect this. Spinn orders the power to be turned on before entering Danny's hostage-taking room, forcing Danny to exchange a hostage. And Speen also put forward his own requirements - hostage safety, otherwise the negotiation will be terminated. In the two negotiations, the common interest of the two is the need to negotiate this platform. Danny needs to negotiate with Speen to delay time and find enough evidence to prove his innocence; while Speen needs to do his best to ensure the safety of the hostages.

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The Negotiator quotes

  • Lieutenant Danny Roman: [while hiding behind Nebaumas a shield] Now leave your badge, guns, cuffs everything on the table

    Lieutenant Danny Roman: [a officer on the above walkway jumps out from behind the pilar. Roman firs a shot that misses his head by inches] That wasn't an accident and neither will the next one that goes in your head, now get out!

  • Lieutenant Danny Roman: One last question... Do you know who killed Nate?

    Insp. Terence Niebaum: [Niebaum leans forward after a long pause] You.