The effect is not much different from the robot in the latest Terminator, but it can't be beaten.

Floy 2022-03-22 09:02:12

Vin Diesel's main superhero movie? Superhuman weapon sci-fi, right?

The setting of a blood robot like "Southern Man" is quite strange, but the effect of the superpower shown in the end is not much different from the robot in the latest Terminator, that is, it can't be beaten, and it can always be repaired automatically. Where it's not as good as the latest generation of Terminator robots is the need for frequent recharging. Popcorn movie, I estimate that the title of this movie will be forgotten in 10 days and I will never remember it in my life.

Many things in the plot don't seem to be clearly explained, and they just keep fighting. It's not that kind of complicated and complicated. It's because the director didn't want to round up the whole plot. The villain boss is also weak and pitiful, and there is basically no suspense in the battle. 3.5 points

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Bloodshot quotes

  • Dr. Emil Harting: Your nanites are down. All that's left is Ray Garrison!

    Ray Garrison: And that's enough.

  • KT: [to Ray] Well, the military only anonymously donates the remains of soldiers who weren't claimed by family.


    KT: Sorry, sometimes you just gotta rip off the Bandaid, it helps to get through the pain of it quicker.