Companionship and fairy tale dreams

Alta 2022-03-21 09:02:42

Every child has a beautiful fairy tale dream and needs to be accompanied by a lovely partner. The children in this story have all realized and had a lucky and wonderful childhood. The protagonist also overcomes his fear of water because of this partner, but unfortunately there is no such thing as a banquet that will never go away.

The legend of the Loch Ness monster has been around for a long time, but it has never been confirmed its authenticity. There must be some things and creatures in the world that we humans do not know, and it is also possible that a large creature lives in such a large lake. Everyone is safe and sound, coexisting peacefully. In fact, the peaceful coexistence between man and nature, as well as various animals and plants, is the best protection for the environment and the earth. Unfortunately, in reality, under the same circumstances in the film, in addition to children, adults may think more about interests.

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The Water Horse quotes

  • [first lines]

    Female Tourist: What is that?

    Male Tourist: It's a famous picture of the monster. But it's fake.

    Female Tourist: How do you know it's fake? It looks real.

    Old Angus: Oh, it's fake alright.

    Male Tourist: Of course it's fake. Everyone knows that.

    Old Angus: We'd know, son. There's more to that photo than meets the eye.

    Male Tourist: Oh ho, really.

    Old Angus: Well, if you'd like to know the real truth.

    Female Tourist: Yeah, I wanna know. Come on, it'll be fun.

    Old Angus: [starts telling the story]