Shattered thoughts (real-time experience of watching the movie)

Ibrahim 2022-03-21 09:02:35

The father asked the heroine if she was beaten because she was caught having a fuck

7m: Stigmatizing the heroine to show that the heroine is self-inflicted

11m: The heroine throws darts so handsome

17m: Vomit, it's disgusting for the foreman to make dirty jokes about the heroine, the doctor has no ethics, other women are used to it

19m: The stares that are everywhere... nerve-wracking

29m: Indifference to sexual harassment... The patriarchal world has no say

41m: The days are getting better and better... The mines give her self-esteem but also humiliate her self-esteem...

45m: "I didn't hurt you, did I?" The perpetrators often don't know it; why do men go forward and women pay for their mistakes?

49m: The heroine's father's disregard for the heroine's situation is heartbreaking

55m: people's gossip drove her mad. No one believed it was the man who misbehaved, or they didn't care, isn't it normal for a woman who once stumbled to make a mistake again? People witness the birth of a lunatic, and the lunatic is speechless.

Only thinking that this is a real adaptation and that things will get better can I support me in watching it, although many people have suffered it before.

1h: The perpetrator walks away as if nothing happened

1h3m: The ugly face of capitalists, dismissing employees to solve problems, threats, contract traps. Destroyed the hope of the heroine.

"He said that if I told others about his words and deeds, it would ruin his future. This is not an apology." It is not uncommon for us to kidnap victims of this hypocritical morality. In order not to ruin the future of men, women should forget the hurt they suffered. Well, not dead.

1h08m: Is this an occupational disease? Husband and wife relationship is so good

1h10m: Victims' indifference to each other is the most painful

1h16m: right has nothing to do in the real world/ nuts or slush' defense.

No one strives for the truth, and there is no truth in the world.

1h22m: Female defense attorney, female testimony, victim standing next to perpetrator.

1h25m: Everyone has their own difficulties and tastes the bitter fruit of retreat

1h26m: The contempt for women is just for the female lawyer's daughter to flaunt herself/the female lawyer clearly knows how much happiness Josie's victory will bring to women.

1h35m: Push yourself and others, and respect yourself and the relatives of others.

1h41m: Everyone indifferently watched the occurrence and consequences of a rape case. / Conscience is such a rare thing.

1h45m: The child slandered his mother in order to protect his self-esteem, in order to comfort himself, even if his mother gave birth to her. He knew that she was good to him, and only she cared about him, so he hurt her.

The last ten minutes: so exciting, stand with her

sometimes justice stands up

Josie, who was always insulted and hurt by men, won the first battle.

[Really teach now? ? ? ? too casual]

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North Country quotes

  • Sammy Aimes: That's crap. I got a right.

    Kyle: Yeah, you got a lot of rights, starting with the right to be pissed off. If fact, you got a right to hate the whole world right now.

    Sammy Aimes: I don't hate the whole world. I just hate her.

    Kyle: It takes a lot of work to hate someone. You ready to put in that kind of time?

  • Sammy Aimes: [at the dinner table] Why do I have to eat when I'm not hungry?

    Karen Aimes: Because people are starving in China.

    Josey Aimes: [looks up] People are starving right here. Clean plates, both of you.