
Emmie 2022-03-23 09:03:08

The screen shot feels very cold, and the story is quite meaningful. The identity conversion between criminals and priests may give different social attributes. Conversely, identity does not necessarily define the good and evil of people. The incident of the car accident allows us to see the perspectives of different characters from different angles. The truck driver had a big fight with his wife before the accident, and his mental state was unstable, and this group of young people who were involved in the accident drank and took drugs before the accident, so they must also have a great responsibility. Their relatives stood on both sides and blamed each other, hoping to give themselves a different kind of strength to relieve themselves from such hatred and resentment. And the mayor and past priests just want to settle down or go with the flow for economic gain and all kinds of things. As an outsider, the male protagonist gradually uncovers the truth as a "priest". Although his identity is false, he unexpectedly achieves a certain degree of resolution with his own strength. The silent stripping confession at the end of the film is quite shocking. Humans are really a kind of creatures with strong social adaptability. When they pretend to be priests, their divinity exudes a different brilliance. After being exposed and returning to the correctional center, they can still survive according to the bloody animal nature. In the last scene, the blood-stained male protagonist sprinted away expressionlessly and then ran wildly, with a chaotic scene and a burning duel room behind him. The end of such a contrast shot is amazing.

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Corpus Christi quotes

  • Priest: I made my confession, but confession solves nothing.

  • Daniel: Silence can also be a prayer.