If there was another me in the world...

Carter 2022-03-21 09:03:23

If there was another you in this world, what would your life be like?

The American drama "Relative Universe" allows you to know yourself more clearly, and you can also rise to know the species of human beings.

Through a brush, the good and evil of people are reflected, and it is like a mirror that reflects everyone's life. Good and bad are you, don't run away and resist. What are the characteristics of human beings embodied in the play?

1. Selfish Humanity

When you meet an old friend you haven't seen for a long time, say hello to each other and greet the recent situation. When you learn that the other party is doing better than you, do you feel a psychological sigh, maybe "how can he live so well, I don't want to do it at all" He was in the past", "Is it bragging, how is it possible", "Sample, I can't see it, it's a good time"; Are you feeling a little lost and melancholy; There is a serious problem in the family, do you think in your mind, "It's so pitiful, how can you do this", "Actually, I have seen the result of today, but I just don't know how to tell him" When your psychological activities are over It didn't affect your state of mind. To sum it up in one sentence, people can't watch the people around them do better than themselves. In this play, he can't even be himself. The doctor is jealous of the family's complete doctor because of the unfortunate death of his son, which eventually led to the tragedy of killing himself. Human nature is half angels and half devils. When the devil has the upper hand, the person who finally kills the angel is himself.

2. Character determines destiny

That part of the character that stands out determines how you live your life. The double-sided life of the protagonist Howard, a weak, kind, forbearing, grass-roots employee who has worked for nearly 20 years; a violent, ruthless, publicity, who plays an important role in the department; a love of his wife, even if he knows his wife is cheating. ; A man who abandoned his wife and children after knowing that his wife cheated and lived so much that his daughter didn't even want to know him; these character traits are reflected in any male protagonist, and different character traits lead to different lives.

3. Curiosity killed the cat

If I know there is another self, what I think most about is how his life is, is it different from my current life? Is there any chance to experience one of his life? 99.9% of people have this idea. In the film, the doctor couldn't face the fact that his son died. When his wife didn't forgive him, he chose to escape and chose to live another life instead of solving this problem.

4. The first thing you see is the shortcomings of others

Emily herself didn't want children. When she knew that the other party had a daughter, she still went to see her, and went to please her. The reason was that in another world, she only knew how to smoke marijuana and ignored her daughter. She couldn't see it, so she came to care for this daughter. If she wanted to have a child in her own mind, could she avoid going to another world? Can you avoid seeing things you shouldn't see?

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