Take away all the special effects and the movie will disappear automatically

Merl 2022-03-21 09:02:27

It is a sci-fi genre that became popular first in "Douyin", and it is also a movie that is enough to watch "announcements". At first, I thought that the character settings were the same as "Detective Murphy" in "Robocop". As the plot progresses, what was thought to be completely destroyed at the time, and as the story gets closer and closer to the end, it feels more and more that this is not an anthropomorphic version of the "artificial intelligence" crisis. Thinking that if a person can get such a rebirth after death, he would be willing to try and finally find out that it is a kind of torture that is worse than death. Imagine a life of being forced to live in hatred forever and completely manipulated and used by others, or Either destroy it or be destroyed by it. The modernity of science and technology is quite full, but he just focuses on special effects and ignores the layered fullness of the story. I really feel that the director is a spiritual guy who likes to invent but does not like to write essays. The last eight words summarize the film: the core is too weak, the girl is good! QJ

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Bloodshot quotes

  • Dr. Emil Harting: Your nanites are down. All that's left is Ray Garrison!

    Ray Garrison: And that's enough.

  • KT: [to Ray] Well, the military only anonymously donates the remains of soldiers who weren't claimed by family.


    KT: Sorry, sometimes you just gotta rip off the Bandaid, it helps to get through the pain of it quicker.