So pretty! Makes me cry, laugh and get angry (anger is because of wanton plagiarism in China)

Miles 2022-10-29 02:13:12

"If you don't like it, then don't wear it because of other people's eyes." I think this is a very magical look. It was reversed by "Why Are You So Beautiful" and "Fanxiong Rescue", which is so beautiful. The show consists of five main coffees: Carson is in charge of dressing up??, Thom is in charge of home decoration??, Jai is in charge of shopping for all gifts and socializing?? Ted is the gourmet, cooking and wine expert??, Kyan is in charge Facial beauty??. I have to say that the translated name of "Fan Xiong Rescue the Soldier" is really wonderful? It expresses the essence of the show very vividly. Five gays from different fields, in each episode, transform a sloppy, fashion-forward "steel straight man" from makeup, outfits, home, diet, and sports. (One of them is quite special, a little brother who has not come out of the closet) The theme of this variety show (yes, it is a variety show!? There are five seasons) is that regardless of gender, race, skin color, sexuality Orientation, religious belief, equality between people, you respect me, and I respect you too?‍?‍?‍?, because everyone has labels on their bodies, so we can't exclude them because of such so-called labels. Negative, we are all human in essence, and there is no difference. In addition to their own talents and self-confidence and cheerfulness, the five main characters in the show are also very good, that is, they are very considerate of other people's feelings no matter what they say or do. It will ask the person being transformed, how do you feel about doing this, and which of the two do you think is better, rather than blindly transforming according to your own preferences. Just like sometimes when someone asks others to do things, they will first say: Do you feel comfortable doing xxx? Instead of directly ordering others to do it, their emotional intelligence is manifested in many small details, they make the guests in a comfortable circle, right They give very sincere compliments, constantly dig out their strengths and strengths, and then correct their shortcomings, instead of suppressing them as soon as a variety show comes up, looking embarrassed and contrived. ?⏳Before the transformation, the lives of these people were messy. There are stained lounge chairs in the house; loose, ill-fitting trousers in the closet; beards and hairstyles that have never been taken care of. But suddenly one day, because of something, They realize they need to change. They came with courage and appeal, and no matter how bad they had been before, they never gave up hope and love for life. Perhaps it is the life of ordinary people that can touch people. What the five people in "Fan Xiong Rescue" changed was not the house or appearance, but the concept. Throughout the show, they have been spreading very positive values. Even if you are not a straight man who has been transformed, even if you are just an ordinary viewer, you will be deeply moved. such as life style. The "Fantastic Five" has always encouraged straight men to be optimistic and positive, and to see more of their own shining points. Like the Uncle Tom in the first issue, who disliked his ugly appearance, he kept stressing that he was hopelessly ugly. But the Fantastic Five didn't agree. They have been affirming the merits of the old man. Carson said he likes bright colors, he's a fun guy, and he doesn't need to be a boring old man. And kyan also encouraged him: "No matter what you look like, it's innate. What you can control and improve is self-confidence. Self-confidence is sexy, and a full understanding of yourself is sexy." And in addition to making you become In addition to being more positive and positive, the transformation of the "Fantastic Five" is very good: they help you change, not to make you a completely different person, but to encourage you to be a real self . Let's go here today, and continue tomorrow!

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