I still like the second brush

Madonna 2022-04-18 17:34:53

Jack Nicholson's old-fashioned expression is too rich, Diane Keaton is full of charm, I think her turtleneck sweater is very sexy, and Keanu Reeves is very handsome to play a supporting role? The story is very simple but the narrative is very smooth, and Interspersed with many natural laughs, I watched it with a relaxed smile. The seaside scene is so beautiful, the heroine's big house is very good, and the overall color is very bright, which is a typical American film style. Still very satisfied.

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Something's Gotta Give quotes

  • Harry: I just have one question: What's with the turtlenecks? I mean it's the middle of summer.

    Erica: Well I guess I'm just a turtleneck kind of gal.

    Harry: You never get hot?

    Erica: No.

    Harry: Never?

    Erica: Not lately.

  • Harry: I've never seen a woman that age naked before.

    Julian Mercer: You're kidding.

    Harry: Hey! We're not all doctors, baby.