don't know what to say

Lesly 2022-03-21 09:02:53

The theme of the movie is a little unclear and a little old-fashioned. It seems that as a fresh man, he is looking for true love. When he leaves home, he wears his father's clothes and looks full of ambition. He thinks he is about to start a wonderful life in an ivory tower. The next story is depressing However, the blandness is exactly in line with the life of ordinary people. It is not shocking in the movie, but if it happens to me, it may be unforgettable and there is no jumping movie. Just watch it.

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Extended Reading

Starter for 10 quotes

  • Brian Jackson: Sometimes it's not about knowing the right answer.

  • Julie Jackson: The people who really care about you don't mind if you make mistakes. It's what you do next that matters.