ghost stories in deception

Coralie 2022-03-21 09:02:36

The film "Ghost Shadow" tells the truth. It looks like a car accident in front, the driver of the accident is running away, and ghosts are haunted, and then behind it should be the mysterious disappearance or death of a friend around you, looking for the truth, and finally dying. This is probably the context of this film, which is in line with most of the horror movies we see now.

Such a mediocre horror movie, but why can it surpass most horror movies? In fact, the details of this film are well done. The photos are used to guide the plot. After the hit and run, the heroine is uneasy, plus the ghosts on the camera (it really is a photo deception). They are confused and miserable, and then go to find the truth and find out The female ghost committed suicide a long time ago. After seeing this, I realized that the female ghost is haunted by another hidden emotion. The back of the film explains that the male protagonist, the scumbag, played with the female ghost's feelings before her death. Looking at the camera, there are quite a few classic shots. There are many mirror-symmetrical shots, showing the panic and nervousness of the male protagonist; some of the low-camera shots are when the male protagonist goes to the female ghost's house, and there are male protagonists who look for them under the bed. Ghostly; but it seems that there are very few subjective shots (not too careful?), and the use of montage, what kind of psychological montage, the repeated montage is the part where the male protagonist is scared to go down the stairs.

But the most interesting part is the last part where the female ghost crawls to the bookshelf and guides the heroine to discover the truth. I think the plot design is good, and it is still shown with photos. Through the phenomenon of hitting ghosts, the cruel truth of sexual assault is revealed. This film It has been sublimated, enough to cause people to reflect and examine.

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Shutter quotes

  • Tun: [Tun is working in the dark room when someone walks beside him and stands there. He does not look up]

    Tun: Jane? You're early.

    Tun: [Telephone rings outside, Tun goes to answer it] Hello?

    Jane: Tun. Its Jane. I'm going to be a little late today.

  • [last lines]

    Magazine Editor: Sometimes... spirits long for their loved ones.