The first film in the Hannibal series, Silence of the Lambs, was a low-budget thriller released in North America on Valentine's Eve in 1991. As in Hollywood, known as the gathering place of the world's commercial films, everything is unpredictable. What surprised the filmmakers was that this seemingly inconspicuous film was a big hit at the box office, and what was even more unexpected was that at the 1992 Oscars, "Silence of the Lambs" actually included Best picture, best actor and actress, best director, best screenwriter five major awards, became the biggest winner since the Oscars. Hollywood producers will naturally not give up the plan to shoot a sequel to such a very marketable film. Then in 2001, the sequel "Hannibal" was released, and in 2002, the third part of the Hannibal series "Red". Dragon" was released, and even "Young Hannibal", the prequel to the 2007 Hannibal series, also turned out.
Undoubtedly, the success of The Silence of the Lambs in 1991 was due to a series of accidental factors, such as the fact that Freud's psychoanalytic theory was becoming more and more popular at the time, which provided the possibility for the success of the film. The highlight is the elusive friendship, friend, father-daughter and even lover between Dr. Hannibal the ogre played by Antonio Hopkins and Starling, the FBI agent played by Jodie Foster of intricate relationships. Dr. Hannibal's actor, Antonio Hopkins, played the role of this noble, intelligent, calm and terrifying ogre. In The Silence of the Lambs, Dr. Hannibal is a mystery. With the success of the film, the image of the mystery gradually expanded. We've always wondered, how did Dr. Hannibal become an ogre? What kind of pain did his boy go through? How could this man with such a high degree of training in classical music, history, literature and psychology become an ogre? These problems were not a problem for a low-budget thriller that didn't get much response at first, and in fact they weren't a problem in Silence of the Lambs, but once the film was a huge hit, they became a problem. It has become a question that forces people to think about it. In other words, these problems are forcing those Hollywood producers and screenwriters to become problems one by one. Yes, existence is the problem. In order to have a complete explanation for Dr. Hannibal, in the cold spring of 2007, we ushered in the "Young Hannibal" in anticipation.
Undoubtedly, Young Hannibal was about problem solving, and that was his biggest problem. When a film shoots a sequel or a so-called prequel after many years, he faces not only the success of the previous films in the same series, but also the problems of the previous series. From these two aspects, "Young Hannibal" is not satisfactory. It cannot surpass its predecessors. Those films that have been regarded as classics have become sculptures in the history of film in the dust of the years. To overthrow it means that you have to offend the entire history of film. What "Young Hannibal" is up against is beyond giving a stretched answer, or an unsatisfactory explanation. When a sequel film cannot be surpassed in some aspects, it can only become a dog-tailed sequel. expected.
To be honest, I can't agree with the portrayal of Dr. Hannibal, an imaginary perfect and crippled character, as a freak left over from Nazi war culture and oriental Japanese culture. Coupled with the image of a Japanese woman played by Gong Li, the director seems to want to express that Hannibal is a deformed cultural hybrid formed by the fusion of Nazis, wars, Bushido and Eastern cultures. Then Hannibal studied medicine and psychopathology in France, which seems to imply that Hannibal's upbringing is all but America's to blame. This is a very subtle interpretation strategy. In addition, the most unsuccessful part of the film is that in order to hunt down the Nazi officers who survived the war, Hannibal implemented a series of revenge plans. Since then, revenge has become the theme of "Young Hannibal", and Not Hannibal's upbringing. The film tells us bluntly that Hannibal became an ogre after witnessing his sister being eaten alive, and cannibalism became the best way for Hannibal to commemorate his dead sister. "So said. In fact, there is no worse explanation than this. If so, I'd rather not see the movie, I'd rather have Hannibal's transformation done in my imagination, and I'd rather Dr. Hannibal not come back.
about Yu 2007-4-8
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