What are the highlights of "Florida Paradise"?

Alphonso 2022-03-21 09:02:09

An autobiography of girls growing up under "Social Disney"

In the traditional American Hollywood film culture, there are many male films in 'coming-out-of age', a few typical ones include Mid90s, Boyhood, Moonlight and Call me by your name with the same sex theme, but very few about female growth There are few, many more such as Ladybird, Booksmart, Eighth Grade started last year. The Florida Project uses girls who grew up under the motel next to Disney. They have the small temper of a girl, insist on being the princess in their own world in difficult lives, and live out their own stubbornness in their own world and reality.

Kid Moonee

The second time I brushed the Florida Project, I still couldn't control my tears. I forgot that the whole movie was from the point of view of a little girl, so the whole movie was very natural. The little girl's acting skills can't really be described by the word "superb", it can be said to be inverse God, especially at the end, the little girl stopped for a while in front of her best friend and then burst into tears. She suddenly tore off her usual little urchin's giggling side, and became a helpless little girl who couldn't control her future. , this is what she really looks like. This kind of restrained performance in the early stage is really difficult for an adult to do.

childlike mum halley

In contrast, the young mother in the film is also a little girl, and she may be forced to grow up at some point, leaving girls. But on the surface, there are many scenes in the film where the mother acts like an unreasonable little girl, such as her way of resisting the rent and pouring soda into the hall, or the angry girlfriend stomping her feet hard to affect her life. Compared with her best friend, she is the immature one. The best friend found out that the child did something wrong and did not admit the choice and punished him. She also realized that the young mother prostituted herself to make a living, so she chose to report her. I want my girlfriends to know their mistakes. This kind of cheating has no sense of responsibility in life. How can people who can't take responsibility for their children and themselves do it for friendship?

On the face of it, the young mother is a cool mom, and she gets along with her kids and has strong moments that embody a certain kind of mother,

There was never a scene of crying. Even if she was uncomfortable, she ran to the toilet to vomit, hug her legs and cry after beating her best friend. At the end of the film, her mother changed her normal behavior and was very cooperative and calm, quietly watching the girl eat a satisfying free dinner. But she never punished the little girl, as if she didn't want to be punished, she wanted to satisfy the girl's hunger.

The giggling child smiles and the foul-mouthed mother pretending to be strong, after a while of noise, it is actually covering up the scars of life.

those parallel themes in the movie

- Friendship between girls:

The relationship between the mother and the best friend downstairs is very interesting, and like the friendship between little girls, there will be noise, but this noise comes at an adult price.

- The price of bad deeds by children and adults:

In addition, the child is a child king in the motel, taking the lead in instigating, and even burning down the whole house, but the child's crime can be concealed, but the adult can't, which may also lead to the girl's mother's best friend and the mother's 's rupture. The mother sold her body in exchange for the price of her child being sent away.

- role of girl and father

In the play, William plays the role of the little girl and the young mother's guardian, driving away the bad old grandpa when he approaches the little girls, and also reminding the young mother not to go down the road of no return. But it seems to be the case, the more rebellious the young mother is.

- Disney in reality and fantasy:

There are many scenes in the movie that are very touching, which are actually related to the Disney setting. For example, when the little girl's best friend celebrated her birthday, the girl's mother took them to watch the free fireworks outside the Disney Castle, realizing the fairy tale in the illusion. And there is no fairy tale in the life of Mr., even the princess has to pay for her bad behavior, there is no Happy ending forever.

The metaphor at the end of the film is very good. The people on the edge of the motel are actually very close to the children's favorite Disney Magic Castle, but the cruelty of life makes them unable to step into the real dream. In the end, the little girl's best friend took the little girl's hand. The scene is very unreal and escaped, it seems to be the happy result set up in the movie. In every castle, there are little princesses who live happily. Maybe the little girl will realize after many years that although the young mother's love is deformed and based on lies, it is also a dream created for her. Just like those fairy tales in Disney are deceiving.

a few curious points

I feel that Florida Project is very much like a documentary, which seems to be why the movie is so touching, and the details of the movie describe the daily life of those people in the motel life vividly, not like the plot setting at all. What I'm most curious about is how the script, dialogue, and characters are written. It can be so natural, such as a detail: the young mother's ex-girlfriend opened the door when the little girl said goodbye, her swollen face couldn't recognize her expression, but she still Giving the little girl a hug seemed to be full of apology, as if saying "I report your mother for your own good". Or when a little friend leaves, everyone comes to share his toys, this is also a very real scene.

In addition to writing naturally, another accident is how to know how the little actors are acting, because for children, how to make them understand that the drama they are acting is not real life, but under this premise, they can also be 100% invested. For example, when the girl's mother beats her best friend, how to let the little boy watch quietly. Or how the little girl broke down a little when she heard that she was going to be sent away. These can be recorded on the lens are precious moments that can be encountered but not sought after.

Seeing that there are many movie creators, Sean Baker, sharing their experience, you can continue to learn more.

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The Florida Project quotes

  • Moonee: You know why this is my favorite tree?

    Jancey: Why?

    Moonee: 'Cause it's tipped over, and it's still growing.

  • Moonee: [Moonee and Scooty, sitting on a sofa, eating ice-cream cones] Mmm.

    Bobby: [Ice cream drips on floor] Ok, I warned you: one drip and you're out.

    Moonee: Oh, come on!

    Bobby: 'Out now.

    Scooty: It's gonna melt outside.

    Bobby: It's melting' inside too.

    Moonee: But Bobby!

    Bobby: Out.

    Bobby: [Moonee and Scooty walk out] Thank you very much!

    Moonee: You're not welcome!