You will not prevail.

Deonte 2022-09-22 04:47:32

Since your wickedness blinds man, so may you, never to see again, the light of sun, moon, and stars, the beauty of nature, until the end of life; since your wickedness makes man deaf, may you be in the infinite Silence for the rest of your life; As your evil deeds impair your movement, may your body be imprisoned by the violence and resentment that afflict your soul; As your evil deeds cause death, may your death be as alone as your life , No one knows each other, no one loves each other.

Given that your victims were blinded by your bombs, may you also be blinded, by being deprived of the incredible light of the moon, the stars, the sun, the beauty of nature, for the rest of your life.

Given that your victims lost their hearing because of your bombs, may you spend the rest of your days in stony silence.

And given that your victims were maimed by your nombs, may your body be shackled with the same violence and hatred that have already imprisoned your mind.

And given that your victims were killed by your bombs, may your own death occur as you have lived in a solitary manner, without compassion or love.

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