I am also a post-70s generation of this film.

Marianna 2022-03-21 09:02:42

Yes, what touched me was someone else's sentence: Why can't I just be moved once. Compared with the plot and pictures that hit people's hearts directly, how much of the special effects does it take to be satisfied?

In addition, people who like this film must have a different age structure than those who like the Yangtze River. Although there are criticisms of rough special effects and old-fashioned plots, the touching film must be depressing and sad. I wrote less than 140 words, but I have already expressed it. Friendly communication is the original intention of harmonious development

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The Water Horse quotes

  • [first lines]

    Female Tourist: What is that?

    Male Tourist: It's a famous picture of the monster. But it's fake.

    Female Tourist: How do you know it's fake? It looks real.

    Old Angus: Oh, it's fake alright.

    Male Tourist: Of course it's fake. Everyone knows that.

    Old Angus: We'd know, son. There's more to that photo than meets the eye.

    Male Tourist: Oh ho, really.

    Old Angus: Well, if you'd like to know the real truth.

    Female Tourist: Yeah, I wanna know. Come on, it'll be fun.

    Old Angus: [starts telling the story]