
Karl 2022-03-22 09:03:00

We are not tourists, we are travelers. Tourists feel comfortable wherever they go, but travelers pass by in a hurry. Wife Kit said she was somewhere in between.

Composer husband Potter, writer wife Kit, this middle-class couple traveled to the Sahara Desert with unknown plans. They just took the first step. How to go from there is not a problem that needs to be considered now. As couples who have been married for ten years, they are sometimes ambiguous and lingering, but they always have conflicts or discouragement at critical times. Arguments and anger are more commonplace, and they will still hurt each other even on the journey that should be relaxed. After Potter and Kit quarreled, they went out to hang out alone, and under the guidance of the locals, they got an exotic prostitution experience. Under the dark night, in the humble tent, with dark red lights, naked prostitutes and thirsty men embraced, this is Bertolucci's forte, ambiguous colors and erotic pictures are in Bertolucci never be absent from the movies. On the other hand, Kit had a one-night stand with her friend Turner after getting drunk. When she woke up the next day, the two were awkwardly separated. There was no trace of nostalgia and tenderness. It was just a one-night stand and nothing else. In this way, a couple's trip ended up slapping each other with each other... Of course, they also have romantic moments, such as riding a bicycle on a barren desert road together, when their love is deep, even I tried to fight in the vast desert, but unfortunately I lost interest because I didn't talk at the critical moment "We are afraid of the same things" "No, we are not afraid of loneliness, we don't need anyone or anything, you can leave my life" "You know that I only love you alone, I don't have anyone else in my heart, maybe we are all afraid of using too much love" This is a conversation that discourages them, but it is also the most true words when the love is strong, but sometimes, Truth hurts more than lies. They love each other deeply, but they don't dare to push too hard. People always try to make way for themselves.

The second half of the film plunges into extreme sadness. Potter was dying from a cholera infection, and Kit was doing everything she could to call for help, seeking a doctor, giving medicine, crying, and lying beside Potter waiting for a miracle. All previous conflicts and wrestling in marriage are of no importance in the face of life and death. The saddest thing in the world is love after dusk, it is too late. Before Potter died, he told Kit that he only loved her, but this time Kit did not doubt that his dying words must be the truth. They love each other deeply and hurt each other, just like the marriage story of common people. Potter died in the Sahara Desert, and Kit's soul also died in the Sahara Desert. Kit trudged through the desert with a camel caravan to the town where they came. The vast and magnificent desert landscape is dizzying, Bertolucci uses the lens to show this unparalleled, unique mysterious land and Arabian style. In the meantime, Kit was committed to the men of the camel team, because the man lusted after her body and helped her to infiltrate the Arab village... The man wiped her body, and then the two had sex. She had to do this because she wanted to go out alive, and she could do it too, because her soul had long since been buried under the sand with her dead husband. Finally she goes back alone to the restaurant where they were at the beginning of the film, she looks out the window into the restaurant, the camera zooms out from the close-up of her face to the whole restaurant, the familiar music plays, and Kit enters the restaurant as if coming It's the same as ever, but, she no longer looks arrogant, no longer has a sense of superiority from the United States, she has lost her lover and soul, at this time, she is just a woman who walked out of the desert alive, that's all.

We always think of life as infinite, but all things are finite.

How many charming childhood afternoons when you look back, still make you feel so warm, maybe only four or five times, maybe not yet.

How many times have you seen the full moon, maybe twenty times, but it seems endless.

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Extended Reading

The Sheltering Sky quotes

  • Kit Moresby: I hate choices.

  • Tunner: Do you think Port suspects of something?

    Kit Moresby: I think he knows. But he doesn't know that he knows.