The refreshing work "Blood Guard" that broke the dull epidemic

Ettie 2022-03-21 09:02:27

Cinema Good Read

It is another movie starring Feng Disuo, and it is the same image of a tough man. It is about betrayal and revenge. However, although the plot of "Blood Guard" does not have much bright spots, its actual execution is eye-catching. Liang, it can be said to be a solid and refreshing sci-fi action movie that knows its own limits. Although it does not propose a new concept, it knows how to manage every action scene and plot twists carefully, and at the same time use the fewest actors to create the greatest tension. .

Think about the day when you get cut with a knife while cooking, twist your ankle while walking, or even get hit by a drunk driving bastard when you go out. You could have been disabled for life, but you can't get it up again, but all this will no longer be annoying. The question is, technology can enter your body, repair everything that is broken in you, make you more whole, and even make you better than you were. Would you be interested?

The protagonist of this film, Da Bing Lei, replaced his blood with a nano robot after a serious accident, so although he did not get the ability to be invulnerable, he could restore all the damage caused by the sword and gun. The nano-robot repaired at a high speed, a brand-new war machine was born. He is in a high-tech company called "RST", staying with other wounded soldiers who have been "reborn" due to high technology, but he forgot himself. Who, forget how you came, and forget what you want to do.

Until he remembered all that in his dream, the emptiness was filled with anger, he escaped from the high-tech company, embarked on the road of revenge, and vowed to smash the terrorist who killed his wife and then killed himself.

However, everything is not as simple as it seems.

Although it is based on comics, from the appearance of the characters to the plot design, "Blood Guard" does not have a strong comic flavor, but it is closer to "The Ninth Forbidden Area", "Adult World", "Elysium" "The future is now" ” style, adopting a more simple industrial style, which is probably the reason why European and American comics are particularly popular in movies. The approachable adaptation allows non-comic fans to easily follow the rules. Of course, this is also due to the origin of the original work. Compared with DC and Marvel's much younger warrior comics, there are less historical burdens in character design, and smaller characters can be more carefully planned and have a higher degree of creative freedom.

The most refreshing thing about "Blood Guard" is Feng Di Suo Kuiwu's physique, toned muscles, sound effects from punching to meat, and visual special effects, from a series of thrilling tunnel melee, street chase, high-rise fights, Through the continuous short shots we feel the lightness of the speed like a butterfly, and through the close-up of slow motion we feel the strength like the bone of a bee. Because of the excellent execution of the movie, the viewing experience is very good, which is nearly a hundred times better than the trailer. Especially the sound and visual effects of the IMAX version are even more exciting and energetic. Director Dave Wei Ersen continued the good performance of "Sunny's Advantage" in "Love X Death X Robot", so that the action scenes of this film are not the most refreshing but more refreshing.

At the same time, this film also continues "Sunny's Advantage". Different from some sci-fi movies that like to do brain-burning plot settings or complex world settings, although "Blood Guard" is full of a lot of similar technology concepts, such as cyborg, Biotechnology, exoskeletons, nanorobots, drones, memory control, etc... But it is not difficult and difficult to understand, but integrated very well. To sum up in one sentence, through the nanorobot protagonist Lei can invade all networked electronics devices, and in a highly networked world, nothing is more powerful than that.

Not to mention that when he was still human, he was invincible.

Sometimes a good decision can be to do the simple and let go of the complex. It is not easy to suppress the desire to show off and think about "how to do it best for the movie". The whole story of "Blood Guard" can be narrated in a more brain-burning way in order to create a higher level of suspense. However, The director finally decided to describe the whole story in chronological order, so that we can focus more on the wonderful moment of the movie, to enjoy the pure violence and dark humor, and the reassuring performance of Von Diesel without breakthrough, I especially Kudos to Eiza González for making her film so well, combining light and mist, whether it's punching in the water or donning her personal gear, and smiling and spraying poison and walking , all with deadly charm, and the information genius that is often found in every science fiction story is also amused by Lamorne Morris, which makes this film in addition to the serious technology control and revenge atmosphere, Lots of relief humour.

What's very clever is that "Blood Guard" is very restrained and does not use too many scenes, which saves a lot of costs.

Does man dominate technology, or does technology dominate man? This is another not-so-novel but classic technological issue in the movie "Blood Guard". New technology brings new life, allowing the invisible to regain light, those who have their legs broken in the blast walk fast, and those who should be sleeping forever can be Reawakening... But for those who can't pay the price, maybe it's just another restoration of slavery. As long as you can't pay for new technology, the organs you depend on for a living may be turned off with one click. In "Blood Guard" All of the reborn people are the beneficiaries of new technology, but they are also trapped in the cage of new technology. Technology was originally intended to relieve human beings from unfreedom, but instead brought more unfreedom. It's not even comparable to ordinary people who work in the same company, because these ordinary people can leave at any time if they are upset, but these people have no way to leave, because as long as they remain loyal, their bodies can maintain more than ordinary people. higher faculties, and once left they are nothing.

"I asked your opinion just to show respect, you have no choice at all."

On the other hand, the advancement of digital technology, in addition to creating images comparable to real scenes in movies, can also be used in the memory of the human brain. The implanted dream can be edited like a game editor, and it can be edited through the human body. The real-time response is fine-tuned in order to be more sensational or more realistic, our dream may no longer be our own dream, but the dream of another powerful person with high power, fine-tuning again and again for their needs , our most private things will become the most public and modifiable information, spread out in front of everyone, and our most intimate emotions will become the most powerful and manipulable motivation. If it is said that revising history can control politics, then further mastering the history of the body can use a more microscopic method to more comprehensively grasp politics, time and time again, emptying the memory that people use to locate themselves, and again and again for the sake of Some purpose infuses tailor-made memories, and those in the know can only watch it happen again and again.

"We had a chance to say no, but he didn't!"

At that time, how can we, who are already inseparable from technology, get a moment of respite from it?

If there is anything special about the 21st century, it is that in this century transhumanism is no longer just theoretical, technology is getting more and more advanced, the environment is getting worse and worse, and humans have implanted machines to overcome changes in the external world. Fixing a not-so-good life is just a matter of budget and time. In a lifetime, these technological luxuries will become necessities. When the world is highly mechanized, people who can write code are the gods and witches who can communicate with gods and change the wind and rain in ancient times, while people either refuse to be mechanized to become apes or accept mechanization to become slaves.

However, technology may control the body, but in the end it is the mind that controls the body. Injuries will heal, scars will remain, and every scar has an irreplaceable story. Those stories create the stories we are writing.

But we don’t have to let us write future stories according to it. As people who can think behind the scenes, we will eventually have moments where we can choose. Making choices is not an illusion, but it is always quite difficult, because in order to escape from ourselves. The original story, we may have to pay a huge price, but that's why freedom is so precious.

"You chose to be a soldier because you were born a war machine and I just made you better!"

"You don't know what I want!"

"People always say they want freedom, but they want more comfortable cages."

"This is my life! I decide for myself!"

"And then hang up like before?"

Under the high-tech shell, "Blood Guard" explores not the existence of human free will, but whether human beings desire free will more than a comfortable life. In the near future, perhaps this will be a difficult decision, whether to be controlled by others and become a high-powered slave, or to break free and become a low-powered human being. The answer in "Blood Guard" is very clear. A dream ending like another "simulation". Although the sacrifice before the ending is not clever, it illustrates its warrior spirit of "skilled but not humiliated" in a strong iron man style. way to create the climax of the plot.

All in all, "Blood Guard" is definitely one of the few recent movies that can smash the dull epidemic. Whether it's liking Boss Tang's performance style or being inspired by Aisha Gonzalez's fatal attraction, or For viewers who want to watch some sci-fi or action movies, or just want to put their legs up and enjoy a violent package without cold scenes, this movie is a very good value choice.

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Bloodshot quotes

  • Dr. Emil Harting: Your nanites are down. All that's left is Ray Garrison!

    Ray Garrison: And that's enough.

  • KT: [to Ray] Well, the military only anonymously donates the remains of soldiers who weren't claimed by family.


    KT: Sorry, sometimes you just gotta rip off the Bandaid, it helps to get through the pain of it quicker.