Is only the inner strength the strongest? No, there is also friendship, love, family

Johnnie 2022-11-05 00:12:21

Hello everyone, this is Yu Anqi who is writing a movie review for the first time .

When I watched the movie "Magic Cinderella", I heard that this movie is full of girlish hearts, so (Hoohoho--) I came. I won't say much about the plot of the movie, a certain encyclopedia must sum it up better than me. Then let me tell you what I feel or complain about when I watch the movie.

After watching the movie, I can't help but sigh, this plot is full of girlish hearts, this picture is too beautiful, the prince and the princess are together, and the bad guys don't have a good end, just one word: cool!

This movie is indeed a bit commercialized, but in my opinion, every movie has its own meaning and value. Every movie must have a reason or story that it wants to tell moviegoers, and this movie is no exception. In the opinion of most people, "Magic Cinderella" wants to convey to us: the inner strength is the most powerful. But in my opinion only the inner strength is the most powerful? No, there is also friendship, love, family. Ella's mother and the fairy godmother who had been growing up with Ella gave Ella affection; areida, elves, and giants gave Ella friendship; and the prince gave her love. If you just rely on your inner strength, wouldn't it be possible to break the spell when you first realized it.

The fly in the ointment is: in some aspects of the plot, I personally feel that the turning point of Ella's mother's death is too big and the progress is too fast. The movie does not mention why Ella's mother died when she died. The first few minutes were fine, and then the next No, it's a little embarrassing. Then there is the later story. To be honest, I fast-forwarded some places later, because there was no attraction for me at all, that is, when Prince Char appeared for the first time, and Ella was arrested by the guards at the market in the middle. I will not list them one by one. Overall, I don't think the plot of this movie is that engaging.

I must praise the picture of this movie, the environment is beautiful, and the special effects are more natural. In 2004, I think it was quite good to have such a level of special effects, that is, when Ella and the prince were on the carriage at the end, the special effects were very obvious, but where does the giant country give me a good feeling, the giants and the protagonist There is not a little bit of dissonance in the interaction (of course it has a lot to do with the acting skills of the actors).

The music and sound effects of this movie, whether it's the opening music at the beginning, the music of the elves in the middle, or the song Ella sang in The Giant, are all very good. I want to brag about some small details here. When the protagonists have various dialogues and conversations, the surrounding environmental sounds are very suitable. The chirping of birds, the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, the conversation of people at the dance, the rubbing of clothes.

In my opinion, the best thing about this show is the color matching and court costumes of the movie. The retro-style colors are matched with European style, wow, a gorgeous visual feast. I feel that some pictures can be used as wallpapers just by taking a screenshot. . Students who want to improve their own aesthetics are worth a look.

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Ella Enchanted quotes

  • Slannen the Elf: Elves aren't that short you know. That's just a stupid myth created by that "Elves and the Shoemaker" story. Do I look small enough to fit in a shoe? Stinkin' Grimm Brothers!

  • Slannen the Elf: [rustling] Oh no... The rustling always comes before the screaming and the running. I *knew* this was gonna happen! They're just gonna find pieces of us scattered across the forest.

    Benny: [a rabbit hops out of the bushes] Oh, a bunny. You know, the last known case of a bunny attack was, well, *never*.