Self-reflection is better than stealing

Ron 2022-03-22 09:02:43

There are many movies that ridicule and reflect on religion in both Eastern and Western Europe. This is a scientific spirit. Always maintain self-examination and reflection. In contrast, in the Ming Dynasty, there are still works such as Journey to the West and Jin Ping Mei that reflect on religion and the imperial court. Maybe there are some anti-system works in our underground, which are barely there. But we now have basically no anti-indigenous religious works. From this point of view, there is a gap. We have been anti-traditional etiquette, but there is still a gap with very specific anti-religion. Perhaps our three-in-one situation complicates this proposition.

Speaking of the movie, this film is a real anti-religious theme. A hooligan who blasphemes religion in the traditional sense finally runs away and is free. The overall idea is clear. In fact, this type has a slightly dark humorous meaning, it can be done a little harder. The rhythm and irony were tighter and more agitated. In the end, everyone was redeemed separately. As a result, if the male protagonist sacrifices, the intention will be higher and the effect will be better. The film itself neither blackened the local pastor nor blackened the pastor of the correctional center. Or give religion itself justice. This has also degraded the contradiction between the doctrine and reality, and turned it into a mere fact that the Holy See is silent and cannot keep up with the new problems arising in the new era. Rather than escalating to the torture of the entire religious system and teachings. Therefore, with the contradiction of the demotion and the end of the demotion, it is not wrong at all. If you don't believe it, you can see how weak this is by comparing the two films "Father in Difficulty" and "Thank God". But in the end, introspection is always good, even a little bit is better than ignoring one’s ears.

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Corpus Christi quotes

  • Priest: I made my confession, but confession solves nothing.

  • Daniel: Silence can also be a prayer.