Spray the troll who wrote the hottest movie review and those WUNAO who echoed him

Reginald 2022-03-21 09:02:05

I wanted to seriously write a movie review. I didn't expect to see that the most popular film review was actually written by two knives - neither navigating nor self-rescue in disasters, so he just ranted. I want to ask you, have you watched the movie carefully? There are actually so many mindless applause below. The hottest comment was written by the great god? The most popular comment is right? The brain is a good thing, but a lot of people really don't have it. 1. From the beginning of the old man's monologue, it can be heard that the old man is very calm, even if he almost gave up; 2. From finding that the unpowered sailboat was smashed by the container to calmly removing the container and repairing the boat, the old man is calm enough and able to A correct judgment has been made; 3. From the discovery of the storm to the preparation before the storm, what is the problem with the storm sail? You use the details to spray, don’t spray without thinking, may I ask which steps and details of this series of processes are wrong? 4. During the storm, the ship turned upside down, which was already expected. Did the old man panic? People are still dealing with it calmly. Can't read it? 5. The video has fully indicated that the electronic equipment has been damaged by water. Mobile phones didn't have GPS back then? Is the movie 2013 about 2013? Have you seen the movie again? Did you look carefully? Can't read the details that have been explained in detail? 6. Besides, what are the problems with the process and steps when the main mast is broken and discarded? 7. What is the problem with the release of the lifeboat? What's wrong with the old man judging if the boat can be rescued before the sailboat is silent, and gathering supplies that are useful and worth moving to the lifeboat? 8. As for the water in the water tank, it was accidentally leaked. If it leaks, it leaks. The solution that the old man quickly gave was to use the solar evaporation method to collect fresh water. What do you want to compare survivability? 9. As for the marine parachute flares, what are the day and night use? Did you mean sanitary napkins? A lot of smoke red bright parachute can burn for 20 minutes? 10. As for the accidental burning of the rubber boat by ignition, this may be sprayed, but please, if you miss it twice, the boat will soon be far away from the shipping channel line (Can you play sextant? I will not Play) Excuse me, in addition to making mistakes here, where else did I make mistakes?

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    Title Card: 1700 nautical miles from the Sumatra Straits.

  • Our Man: This is The Virginia Jean with an SOS call, over.