Analysis of personal film reviews

Aaliyah 2022-04-21 09:02:36

1. In fact, the heroine and the Arab police have known each other for a long time. The director of the Arab dialogue between the two should emphasize that the two people are not only related to the same race;

2. The actual identity and original criminal record of the painter, as well as all his personal characteristics, have long been known to the Arab police. He passed the painter's information to the heroine and set a trap together, so that the rich and the painter were all caught;

3. During the period, the heroine went to an agency to inquire about her husband's assets, and learned that her husband was about to go bankrupt. So this is just a process of determining information, and the heroine must implement the plan immediately, otherwise the husband's property will be confiscated. Therefore, the heroine also said without shy about leaving her husband at her mother-in-law/mother's house. This is a signal to the outside world to deceive the sympathy and trust of the surrounding people;

4. The final plot is that the heroine inherits her husband's estate and the law cannot pursue some of her illegal assets (because it was her husband's crime), which can be referred to as "LeTV scam".

5. In the end, of course, the Arab police will help the female protagonist to clear the crime and avoid legal punishment (self-defense and excessive killing are only a judgmental act, and there is no doubt that the police have this authority);

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A Perfect Murder quotes

  • Steven: [Explaining the murder plan to David] There was a robbery in the building last year probable means of entrance is the driveway gate that granite facade creates a blind sport in the surveillance cameras it wasn't corrected for aesthetic reasons, you enter as I leave at eight o clock for my card game tomorrow night I'm not going to pull out of the driveway until its clear the gate takes five seconds to close you have the right side of the wall as I drive by then you enter the stairs and use the service elevator the key to the front door also works on the service entrance I'm going to take the key from Emily's purse and hide it behind the pipe in the stairway my key implicates me her key could've been lost or stolen in any case she's not going to be around to explain, the lock to the service entrance is always dead bolted she won't notice it even if she checks you'll be in the stairway at nine thirty, by that time Emily will be taking a bath because that's what she does on nights I play cards the phone in the kitchen is a separate telephone line exactly ten o clock I'll call here when she answers the phone and the tragic confrontation will happen which will appear to be a spur of the moment bludgeon rifle the jewelry in the bedroom disable the service entrance lock and make it look like it was jimmied put the key back behind the pipe and leave the building the same way you came in.

  • Mohamed Karaman: [showing up unannounced to his desk at his police precinct] To what do I owe the pleasure?

    Emily: I have some information about my husband.

    Mohamed Karaman: Concerning?

    Emily: It seems he was in serious financial trouble and he was hiding it from me and I thought that might be a possible reason for him to...

    Mohamed Karaman: Hire someone to kill you.

    Emily: Yes.

    Mohamed Karaman: We considered him a suspect until we traced a cell phone call he made the night you were attacked. The trace led us to an automated quote system in his office, it lasted five minutes before ten to nine minutes after ten that has to be one of more cleaner alibis we've come across.