Family or freedom? What to say about this high-scoring video

Alana 2022-03-21 09:01:41

The second wave of the women's liberation movement originated in the United States. It began in the 1960s and lasted until the 1980s. The main content of this movement was to eliminate gender discrimination in work, demand equal pay for equal work, and refuse to recognize women as male appendages. Chinese and Western ideas are very different in terms of feminism. From the different myths of the two countries, it can be seen that God created human beings in the West, while in Chinese mythology it is the female snail who created human beings. Respect later because of the war, women's physical insufficiency made them relegated to the second line. History has become the history of men. Women can only rely on men and become accessories.

In times of peace, open-mindedness brings women to the stage of history

Women gradually wake up and realize that men do have an advantage in rationality and logic, but this does not mean that men are necessarily stronger than women. In terms of sensibility and delicacy, women are superior. Women are like men, representing two sides of the coin, less On the one hand, the society is incomplete. This is the social orthodox value. Women who have been oppressed for thousands of years should have the right to speak.

However, every movement will not benefit every movement subject

It must be a good thing that women who have been tied to their families, husbands and children for thousands of years suddenly rushed to work

The film "Mrs. Kramers" makes a dialectical reflection on this

Mrs. Kramer in "Mrs. Kramer" is a typical feminist who has been a housewife for 8 years, slowly tired of being wrapped in firewood, rice, oil and salt, longing for freedom and searching for herself. Finally, one day, she made up her mind Mr. Kramer, who kissed his son goodbye, packed his bags and ran away from home, was surprised to hear the bad news. He thought his wife was playing a small temper with him and was waiting for her to come back.

It was not until he received Mrs. Kramer's confession letter that he truly felt that the family had broken up. His lovely 7-year-old son suddenly lost his mother's love. For the two fathers and sons, Mrs. Kramer's departure was heavy, It is almost a devastating blow, especially for children. Children are born close to their mothers. Losing their mother's love is far more affected than losing their father's love. Very smooth first, anger, the abandoned party will feel self-esteem humiliated, pretend not to care, then pain, reflect on their own problems, in order to correct in exchange for the mother's return

Especially small children, children are very conceited, and he will feel that the world revolves around him. Any good or bad things have to do with him. Little Billy's guilty self-blame , according to Freud's theory this event would be the end of his life

Therefore, adults should never quarrel in front of their children. Even after quarreling, they should comfort him and tell him that all this has nothing to do with him. Protecting his young heart will be numb after the pain, and the trauma will be replaced by other feelings, no matter what the high-sounding reason is. The reason is that it is inhumane to hurt others emotionally or physically. What's more, Mrs. Kramer hurts her close relatives. Although she is also suffering from mental torture in this family, her wrong approach is unacceptable and sympathetic.

When it comes to protecting children, I think of another film Meryl Stapley ( Mrs. Kramer) starring in "The Bridge of the Bridge " .

For the dignity of the family and the child, the heroine rejected the elopement invitation of true love to invite Meryl and Dongmu in the heavy rain The scene is heartbreaking

People who don't like it will think that it's three views are not right, it beautifies extramarital affairs, but is it a normal procedure to resolutely divorce and give up the family?

After a long time, naturally want to break free

But why does the marriage system still exist openly? Except that it is one of the most effective means to ensure social order, and because the warmth of family is irreplaceable in other ways. When lovers become family members, the interests become less. Important When people stop talking about benefits, they can get along well with each other. Therefore, a normal family can give a family great comfort. For this comfort, other conflicts and anxieties can be endured.

The theme of "The Kramers" is also to defend the family, but its enemy has changed from "extramarital affairs" to the hostess Meryl Streep who abandoned the family and declared independence and freedom (the people affectionately call her Aunt May) , is a method of acting like what. The number of Oscar nominations has never been surpassed. Dustin Hoffman , who is quite influential in Hollywood as Mr. Kramer, also acts like what, but his works do not have Mei Auntie's appearance is not as good as Aunt Mei's audience, so on the surface, it seems not as powerful as Aunt Mei. There are not many rivalries between the two in "Mrs. Kramer", and the plot is simple. 8.5, which shows how superb Hoffman's acting skills are

I met him through "The Graduate", and I was convinced by his acting skills in "Rain Man". The genius brother with autism is the best character he interprets in my opinion.

The injury of the mother's absence to the child can only be recuperated by the father

Mr. Kramer was an exemplary father, although he was not actively involved in his son's first 7 years of growth

Kindness and responsibility have played a positive role in his adaptation to this identity, helping him grow into a qualified father who can take care of both work and children

This is worth our reflection on family and career. If men can have both, why are they both fish and bear's paws in the hands of women?

Is this a cognitive error

Depressed teenagers are easy to break up, his troubles are not caused by love, but love is the only burden he can leave behind, so he blames innocent love women who can't go into society Is it really because of the family or his lack of ability , this is debatable not everyone is fit to compete in society

Family should not be an excuse for weakness and hypocrisy

Of course you can learn while cooking, you say you will be weaker than those who study wholeheartedly? I don't think, but I think that learning under pressure can exercise willpower and be more efficient. A responsible social person should not just leave his family behind. No matter what the reason is, after Mrs. Kramer got rid of the shackles of her family, She became a designer and made a new boyfriend. The road to life went smoothly, but it was not complete because she wanted her son. After 18 months, she came back and ruthlessly fought with her ex-husband for custody

Her reasoning was that she was more of a mother than her husband. Mr. Kramer's answer was a bit anti-sexist, he said, whoever said men can't have babies, you can't kill me and my son just because I'm not a mother intimacy between

Since you insist on equality between men and women, you shouldn't engage in gender discrimination when it comes to bringing babies

However, the court is one-sided in the mother's side. Do you think this counts as sexist? It is human nature to know that a child needs a mother's love more than a father's love

Therefore, the pursuit of absolute equality between men and women is inherently unfair and unreasonable.

The child was awarded to Mrs. Kramer. She seems to be a big winner. Her life is complete. The child put together the mother's puzzle, and the father is missing a piece. Not only that, when the puzzle is taken off, the child will feel the tear. After being abandoned by her mother once, she was separated from her father, and her scar was stabbed again. Mrs. Kramer left for 18 months. She didn't know the relationship between father and son. She looked at the relationship from an outsider's perspective, thinking that her son needed her more

I don't know how much damage my two operations have brought to this home

In the end, Mrs. Kramer did not take her son and left him to Mr. Kramer. This is the price she paid for her behavior of abandoning her husband. When she got rid of the role of mother and entered the identity of a free man, she returned, It's not where it was anymore Mrs. Kramer realizes it, she knows she's not the good mother she used to be Everything has changed I know what you're gonna say You can leave as long as you don’t have children, or if your children are old enough You need to be raised and educated. You can't resign halfway through the responsibility. Once you take it on, you have to do it. Put the pursuit of bullshit freedom aside. If you can't do it, then be a DINK family, don't give it to your children. Indelible pain for a lifetime

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Kramer vs. Kramer quotes

  • Ted Kramer: The fact is that for the last six months I've been spitting blood to get this agency one of the biggest accounts its ever had and at five o'clock this afternoon we got the account! At eight o'clock I'm walking home with the Vice President who tells me I'm going to be the next Creative Director of this Department and I come through this door, to share with my wife who what was going to be one of the five best days of my life and she looks at me and tells me she doesn't want to live with me anymore! Don't you understand what she's done to me?

    Margaret Phelps: Yeah, she lost her part of one of the five best days of your life.

  • Ted Kramer: Daddy's got to bring home the bacon! Not only does he bring home the bacon, but, he's got to cook it too.