The colorful taste of adolescence

Leone 2022-11-30 22:14:09

The image of the heroine is a bit like herself in junior high school. Sometimes I have some secrets in my heart, and I feel that I will be looked down upon by others, so I choose not to tell them. In fact, some plots can resonate with me, pimples on my legs, etc... Maybe the reason why I always like to watch American dramas is because my character is relatively weak, and most American dramas are relatively rigid, which can form a contrast with my personality. I like the way American dramas make me feel. Emotionally being rejected by someone I like isn't a big deal, but I've always been particularly hurt by it, and it takes a long, long time to recover. In fact, the person you like may not necessarily like you, and the person who likes you may not necessarily like you. Such is life, stop and go.

Finally, the words I want to write to myself are that there is no need to apologize for everyone you like but don't like you, they are not wrong, and you are not wrong, so you don't have to be sad because of this. Walking and walking, you will actually find that it is impossible for a person to be tempted by only one person in this life. I always thought that I would always like a person wholeheartedly, but he didn't like me. I chose to quit in despair again and again, and the process was very painful. Looking back now, I'm still single.

The writing is a bit off topic, but this drama is really not as good as "Go to TM World".

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