Finally a fairy tale

Bradford 2022-03-22 09:02:37

This movie is like a fresh fairy tale, not as deep as I imagined. I was looking forward to a profound story of finding myself, but it turned out to be a fairy tale that relaxes the mind. The sets and costumes in the movie, especially the actors, are pleasing to the eye, like a well-drawn painting. Although the content is a little petty, the details are in place and the five internal organs are complete.

If you want to read more deeply, about women's self-thinking, you can watch "Silent Confession". The former is heavy at the beginning, with fierce contradictions, but the end slides down lightly, like a Disney fairy tale—they live happily ever after; while the latter, in most of the book, sees the bland and trivial life, and only peels it off later Pain and helplessness hidden in plainness.

The books or movies I have read over the years are mostly about women, perhaps because my age and experience have reached a stage of confusion: looking back, the road in the past was foggy and foggy, and it seemed that I had never found a direction, and even strayed farther from my original intention. Farther and farther, I forgot who I am. Looking forward, I was not ready, and I didn't know which direction to go, so I chose to stay where I was for the time being...

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Where'd You Go, Bernadette quotes

  • Bernadette: I guess I just wanted to leave LA in a snit, and when I determined that everyone felt sufficiently sorry for me unfurl my cape and swoop in to launch my second act and show those bastards who the true bitch goddess of architecture really is.

  • Bernadette: It's just, the way I work is I have to inhabit a space before I can even begin designing it. Before I can discover what it needs to be. Just thinking about it has got my heart racing...

    Ellen Idelson: Uh-oh...

    Bernadette: Oh, no, it's not the bad kind of heart racing, as in 'I'm gonna die!', it's the good kind of heart racing, as in 'Hello, can I help you with something? 'Cause if not, step aside, because I'm going to kick the shit it of life!'