Not OK! Those panic and absurd @v@

Eugenia 2022-09-11 03:43:22

The previous nonsense: I hurried to write a film review today. I had a lot of fate to see the first-ranked drama from Renren on the 26th. I have never received any Amway and planting grass before. I clicked continuously until about 3 o'clock, and then decided to write a movie review at 11 o'clock on the 27th. I hope that when I submit it, it will not be exactly 3 o'clock, haha.

The following contains some spoilers

I've been planting grass for a long time, but I haven't seen the world of his x, but this kind of yellow title with the same style deeply attracted me, oh, not to mention the heroine who was horribly mourned with blood stains on her back

poster, really love love

The opening style of the film is somewhat similar to life in London. Sydney, who has left her relatives, talks to herself in her diary. She is like a soft hedgehog. She pretends to be strong on the surface, but she is afraid of loneliness on the inside, but she always shrinks in a small corner by herself (as shown in the picture below). Dina is the best part of her life. She is sunny and unrestrained, and always makes Sydney come out of her own. The small circle that accompanied her when she was the saddest, Stanley's appearance was a very, very cute part of the play, he was Sydney's neighbor and classmate, maybe he was weird enough and interesting enough to punctuate Sydney's fear Weird inside.

Here's a quick rundown of my thoughts on the show

1. Panic attack

Each of her attacks is when she feels anger and anxiety, and each time it manifests in a different form, some of which are to move things, some to be obedient to water droplets similar to words, and some are similar to the final head explosion haha.

Put aside her superpowers and talk about her panic alone. As the title of the show I'm not okay with this, the sudden death of my father leaves no clue, like a rope that ties Sydney and my mother, who are not well, but have to say nothing and go on like this Go on, until finally Sydney went to the basement to find the things that her father enlisted in the army, and the mother's complaint made them gradually reconcile.

I'm not good, but I don't want to say it. This is what many people think. We are just like Sydney. We are powerless in the face of the departure of our relatives, in the face of girlfriends and friends who like scum, angry but unable to blame, and in the face of fear of our own changes. In fact, it is the same fear of the unknown, fear of change. Sydney is like her teacher recommending her journaling - she really needs a way out. At first, her choice was to bow her head and endure it, but she was not good, and her anger turned into a kind of strength. When I first watched it, I didn't believe that she really had superpowers. I thought she had a panic attack every time, and the accumulated anger made her destroy the things around her, and then she lost her memory for a short period of time afterward, and then it was really fantastic.

Fear of the unknown, unwilling to see her best friend leave him, unwilling to destroy the hard-won superficial harmony of the family, and unwilling to turn herself into a freak. This kind of panic and anxiety is put into life, everyone has it, watching this drama really reminds me a lot of myself,

I was diagnosed with bipolar once, and only had a period of high mood and subsequent depression. It has been almost two years now, and there is no similar situation during this period, although it can be deduced that it is probably related to the circumstances that occurred at that time. It has something to do with things around me and the death of a loved one, etc., but it does feel like a beast lurking in my body to me. During the whole depression period after the high mood period, I was full of guilt and embarrassment, for the seemingly stupid things I did when I was in a high state of excitement, and I didn't dare to face seeing me at that time. people. I was stuck for a while, I wanted to prove myself, and then I went to participate in some projects, then I panicked about whether I could do it well, and then I kept putting it off, and then I finally screwed this thing up, and then I panicked and lacked confidence. But I don't want other people to see that something is wrong with me, and I want to maintain the highly social, super-confident, super-motivated state of the previous excitement period. I was always afraid of what other people thought of me, and like Sydney, I wanted to run away from time to time.

I am not OK.

But maybe I went back to school to ask what they thought of me at the time, and told some people about my previous diagnosis, and I kept forcing myself not to think about what happened at that time, and it got better after about a semester . But there are still some influences. I can't go out to socialize as enthusiastically as before. I habitually shrink back and have little interest. Then I often avoid thinking about the future and make some plans. Maybe two or three girlfriends, my family is enough. I have no interest in opening a circle of friends and space during the entire epidemic. I know I'm not OK now, but maybe like Sydney, to find out the story behind my father's passing, to put on a beautiful dress to indulge, to kiss a girl and a boy I like.

Just do it, that's what I tell myself every time I have a panic attack. Also, don't be afraid to say that I'm not good.

2. absurd world

Is this world really normal? It's interesting to be abnormal. For the pair of Stanley and Sydney, it really brings out the sweetness to the extreme. Forget the darkest secret, and then it's more disgusting than the acne on the legs or the acne on the back, which is inexplicably very good. Two people went to watch a football game but said to watch the drama of life. Test abilities and shielding are also super cute.

In fact, the reason why Sydney feels like Stanley is that he is weird and funny enough. Sydney is also in a strange state.

I'm not weird anymore

Her relationship with Dina has always been her best friend, she likes Dina, Dina is what she aspires to be. What has changed? Mainly the kiss at that party. This kiss is not a kind of love in my opinion. When the good friend comes back and comes back to him, the two may return to the original state, and her life can finally return to a normal mood, feeling what she wants to do to express their emotions, but not good at telling them, and finally turned into a kiss.

This distance is really suitable for kissing

Accept the absurdity of the world and meet interesting people

It's a little late, I'll write this first~

see you later

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