forgotten old movie

Karl 2022-03-21 09:03:05

"Midnight Gatekeeper" is a bit of a story. It is reported that it was once added to the blacklist of banned broadcasting, but after watching the whole film, I didn't find any bold scenes, so it should be a problem of the theme's values. Although this film is a background series of World War II films, it is definitely a love story dressed in a war film. There is Stockholm Syndrome in psychology. I am afraid it is the most suitable for use here. German officers abused female prisoners, and after the war, after the two became ordinary people, they met in a big hotel, so the story began. A love that transcends common sense begins. It's an old movie that everyone has forgotten about.

The Night Porter.The Night Porter.1974.1080P.mkv

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The Night Porter quotes

  • Countess Stein: I want to help you. What can I do?

    Max: Send me a box of chocolates.

  • Max: My little girl - you, you remember my little girl, don't you? My little girl is waiting for me. Bye.