It's a good sequel, but it might not be so good for me

Ruthe 2022-12-19 21:17:06

It's a good sequel, but it probably wasn't as good for me. Season 2 is just as amazing as Season 1, the graphics, composition, and story itself are enough to brag about. From the first season, I felt that the director dared to shoot and the screenwriter dared to write, and even when the nun danced at the opening of the second season, it also gave people a feeling of "as expected". I mean, if it's not this opening, then what should it be? Then comes the familiar opening and the familiar story. The suspense left over from the first season makes people unconsciously have high hopes for the second season. In fact, when I first started, even if I felt that the pace of the story was a little slow, I still felt happy that the screenwriter really dared to write. Dare to write? it is true. But this kind of daring to write is not necessarily a dazzling skill. Although I like his dazzling skills. The rotation of the pope is mixed with the appearance of various views of power and politics, bringing out deeper class contradictions. The death of Francis II has a power struggle aspect, but it is still a class antagonism in essence. Humans resist only when it comes to themselves, it is human nature. Then comes the rotation, is Sir John really a good Pope? His moderation and fragility and the selfishness of human nature that he showed from the very beginning made people feel that he was two different people from Lenny. Extreme power makes people frenzy and makes people lose themselves. So off-screen I'm still looking forward to Lenny. Then I was very angry, very angry, very angry and pissed off! ! ! ! Although I can calm down now and say that although this ending made me very angry, it is still a good film, but I still remember the feeling of being so angry when I first watched the ending. There was a sense that Lennie just came out and got things sorted out so he could go to God. Although I have been joking that Lenny is a trumpet of God, the divinity he carries in this passage actually makes me feel that he has become a human being, a person who is occasionally selfish. Finally, God returned to earth, kissed everyone, and returned to heaven. It's a cycle, a cycle. I don't think there will be a third season

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