What if I had to choose between "Immortal" and "Nice"?

Declan 2022-09-18 12:42:33

Soul out-of-body, physical exchange, resurrection, immortality, butterfly dream, walking dead, super power. Bruce has liked the cosmic people and brain waves in Ni Kuang's world since he was a child; he also loves Lin Zhengying and Yan Chixia's series of stories of catching demons and subduing demons. In addition to watching the adventure stories in Jackie Chan's movies as idol dramas, I hope that I can have superpowers and be a non-human among humans. Of course, this kind of nonsense is unreal, but in the process of film and television creation, the interest in this kind of complex has not weakened at all. Therefore, for the dungeon drama, I was in an elated mood. After a round of calorie-burning squats, HIIT, and abdominal abuse in the afternoon, I prepared grilled chicken wings and beer, and pressed the PLAY button on the computer in the evening.

I originally thought that I would see a different time and space plot that shuttles back and forth. Unfortunately, after the first episode was over, the later episodes felt less interesting and the plot was less unique. It is difficult to say anything about the murder in the play. What a special sense of anticipation. After the soul and body swap, there should be a lot of interesting story lines to develop, but instead are mediocre. It's a pity, because the visual effects and so on are all good, but the story line has become routine, and a lot of content is not logical, quite the kind of "I said that the body can be stored for 250 years, that's it" kind of bully feeling .

For Bruce, one of the pleasures of watching dramas is "seeing the creation from logic"; the same is true for the advertising videos that have been made over the years. Creation is to "logicalize" and "systematize" ideas first. After having a Core Idea, draw up a logic (sometimes a sentence of copy), and then start creating a radiating explosion. If the core logic of a film is not stable first, and the core core is not clear, it is a bit difficult to see the degree of creation from a standpoint. The more well-known the movie, the drama, the advertising campaign, the more so.

So when I watched the second episode, I was ready to give up, feeling boring. But there is an interesting episode. Recently, Bu Bu started to have a lot of strange dreams, dreams of hitting aliens, dreams of being chased by ghosts, dreams of beautiful women falling into their arms. When I read the copy, I watched it on NetFlex. The scale is quite large. Every time I see my blush and my heart beating, I move out with a straight and beautiful breast without cutting it. The picture really made Bruce feel overwhelmed. Then at night, the plot was implanted in Bruce's dream! If you have friends with underage children at home, remember to wear headphones when watching movies, and be ready to turn your fingers at any time.

Back when he was young, there was a question and answer that troubled Bruce. If "Immortal Life" and "Great Embryonic Nice", the cosmos said that there can only be one of these two wishes, how should Bruce answer? If you get immortality, but you have a laughable little embryo, and every time you are at a critical moment, the other person will say "Ah, so cute~", isn't this kind of immortality just pain forever? If it is a huge embryonic, but because of a car accident, etc., and it leaves the world before it has a chance to use it, isn't it worth hundreds of millions of trust funds? At the age of thirteen, I didn't study hard, and in the cattle herding class, I thought about it all day.

Bruce Young

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