You become you, not because of who you are, but because of what you do

Matilde 2022-03-22 09:02:43

Today we oppose discrimination, such as being called "locusts", "sick man of East Asia" because we are the victims. And will one day, we also become the abusers, or we have been. The next simple conclusion, in primitive society, may help humans avoid many dangers, even if this conclusion is wrong. In today's civilized society, labeling and drawing conclusions is generally just a lazy operation - although I don't know if this wave of operations can help us avoid any danger. We define a person or even a group of people according to a certain aspect, a certain characteristic. Good people, bad people, successes, failures, teachers, students, parents - labels, ideas, identities simplify our world. So, we lost a colorful world. We will also define some routes according to certain trajectories, and then define a person or a group of people again. For example, what to learn, what to do, and what to become at a certain age. Would this "other" be "weird" or "special" to you, a surprise or an admiration if someone else's behavior was different from yours, or most people you know? Conversely, if you are like most people, do you gain peace of mind or pride? You become you not because of who you are, but because of what you do - so don't worry too much about what you are and what you will become; try to think about what you are going to do, and then try to execute it. Labels, established trajectories, are binding, both behaviorally and spiritually. I hope that one day, in this complex world, everyone is not simply defined. It is not easy to define yourself, and it is not easy to define others; simply be a complex self, and seriously observe the world: it is filled with gunpowder smoke, it has beautiful mountains and rivers; sometimes it is full of dark clouds, sometimes it is clear sky ; it is like this one moment, it is like that the next moment. We looked at it, smiled, and continued to do what we wanted to do, whether it was smoke-filled or clear.

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