The paradox of the Pope's game, the 'title of eternity' is a triumph of the past over the future

Edwin 2022-10-05 02:51:32

You and I are all mortals! When one day you find that you are the protagonist of the world's most successful story "religion", then you will not be satisfied with "unimportant" entertainment such as literature, movies, and music. How to narrate the protagonist of this story? As a mortal, this profound meaning is: Religion is "the true nature of man". -Sir John Brannox

The emptiness of the choir, coupled with the down-to-earth dynamic of "2° Coro Delle Lavandaie", the gods are solemn, and the sound effect of toileting brings you back to the world (the audience is left in their seats at the beginning)

Paolo Sorrentino's work never disappoints, not only is the writing and lines top-notch, but the cinematography and soundtrack are even more stunning. So the opening chapter of "The New Pope" was stimulated by his overly bold expression, constantly switching between the magnificent and the mundane, the godly and the blasphemous.

For a serious and heavy subject like "religion", the director's expression seems too impulsive and unscrupulous. In my opinion, it is a metaphorical discussion. Let the two worlds, the new & the old civilization collide, of course you should feel the feeling of being in it. The "pain" of tearing.

The opening scene begins in front of the hospital bed of the "young Pope Lenny (Pius XIII)", the "frequently dying" icon who has been in a coma for a year due to a heart attack. However, from time to time, he appears in the fantasies and media propaganda in the form of a "saint". The fanatical fans sit on the ground, expressing their prayers, but in fact shocking the "conspiracy" in the ward. Therefore, the election of a "new pope" is the most important issue for the church at present: "If the pope does not establish a new pope, the congregation will not unite."

But who to choose, that is the question? The story begins with the discussion of the new Pope, the "character" of the play.

While dedicating themselves, the bishops must also pray for their own interests, making the "new pope" their own father, spokesperson or puppet. It is not easy to balance all this. It requires confrontation, balance and compromise between camps. The director expresses the situation of the "first election" in an interesting and visual way: the two candidates "Hernandez and Voiello are almost identical, except for the face" Mole" (this is called another brain by Vaelo laughingly) So it can be seen that none of them will be successfully selected!

The first pope was elected, and the invisible candidate, the fisherman Villietti, became Pope Francis II. Apparently, he himself did not realize that the reason for his victory was that he was naked and had nothing to rely on.

It would be fine if he took over the power baton with sincerity and fear, but unfortunately, after the bird (metaphorical providence) took his "speech" and forced him to speak, his awareness of "right" was triggered. Once the magic box is opened, it will be difficult to close again. Velietti stands on the opposite side of the church and humanity. (requiring all bishops to dedicate gold and silver ornaments, naked plunder and control)

Pope Francis II was born in poverty, regarded it as holy, asked all bishops to donate gold and silver jewelry, and began to plunder after taking the baton

Do whatever you want without knowing why, Francis II is destined to live less than one episode. Before his sudden death, the two camps had reached an agreement on a successor candidate (Sir John), which can be seen as a "wasted death". Given that anyone has a motive, it will always be a mystery who killed him.

| Right is a felony! Some people are elated and deceive themselves into thinking that the unbreakable bond can be broken, that is quietly planted by God, many people try, and finally they are out of date... -Voiello (Voiello)

Appreciating a wise, knowing those out. On the other hand, the second new pope, John Paul III, who was born into a nobleman, knew very well what he was facing. As Bishop Cardinal Gutierrez said , "The new Pope, as the successor of the (great) Pope Pius XIII and the (deadly) Francis II, has to bear enormous mental pressure and danger, and is worthy of martyrdom" . Sir John knew that he did not understand the information of the overall situation, and it was destined to end in tragedy. From the moment he became a candidate, he began to observe and test from all sides, contradict the factions of the forces, and input information for his own decision-making.

"What kind of person do you think I am? (Why me?)" was his first question.

The first time I saw John, he was still a smoky makeup, cynical lying on the side (can't face it)

This question reveals at least two messages: on the one hand, Vatican expectations and positioning are crucial; on the other hand, it reveals deep self-doubt.

Externally, Sir John's background and achievements are outstanding. The area of ​​his family estate is 20 times that of the Vatican. He has developed a large number of Anglican congregants to convert to Catholicism, and has many fans of the best-selling book "The Doctrine of the Mean". Only he himself knows that it may just be due to origin, connections, profligacy, hedonism, and theft ("The Doctrine of the Mean" is actually the work of his younger brother Adam). People who "lie to win" always have deep doubts about "owning".

By asking yourself: Do I want to grow? do I want to live? By investigating another faction's leader, Hernandez, who was also a nobleman, he corrected the important question: "Do you think my parents would watch me on TV?" In the end, he accepted the invitation. After all, the current situation is not much better. Brexit (de-Christianization) makes him very anxious, and he is bored by being busy with mundane trivialities all day long (the British royal family’s hours of dressing instructions can be seen on the phone).

"How did Pope Francis II die?" asked John again, worried by the Vatican's unbridled oversimplification. Despite the embattled Vatican, the scandal of incestuousness and the strike of nuns, the financial crisis of Italy's "8 per thousand" tax cut bill and terrorism, he still made the effort to personally go to the tomb of Francis II to investigate the cause of death.

John Paul III was unable to resolve any figurative issues after his succession.

When someone asked "What is your plan for the Holy See next?" he asked "What do you think is the most important thing the Holy See will do next?". Aside from poetically reassuring himself, his most sensible decision was to delay his decision until this government collapsed, or to take advantage of the family chaebol. In the face of the provocation and attacks of terrorists, his plan was to shout the slogan: "NO!" To fight the atrocities with one word, it is called "balancing religion and human nature", but it is actually another kind of compromise and concession. Maybe, he really is like "porcelain".

Do you know the horror of this endless power struggle? Not at all poetic - Voiello

Pope Pius XIII was about to wake up, and everyone was holding their breaths listening to Pope Pius Thirty's "breathing sounds". The chanted "hope" meant "doomsday" for John Paul III, vulnerable as he would lose the "eternal title" contest. So he stopped meeting celebrities and idols. He chose to go on a ski vacation, saying it was "avoidance", rather than "retrospecting the source". He went to see his lost self, recalled the death of his younger brother Adam and revealed what he said: I have been burdened with a deep sense of loneliness all my life, and I have become a shell. (Said to Sofia to reconcile with himself).

"The world suffers with twisted love" - ​​John Paul III

John will never have to sleep with Adam's pet box in his arms again

Since "God alone is not enough", it is natural to re-enter the world. He finally realized: "My vulnerability is the greatest strength, and I decided to realize the greatest ambition in life: to be forgotten"! The resignation of Pope John Paul III, his seemingly evasion, was in fact a voluntary withdrawal from freedom from the paradox of this Pope's idol game "Assuming the resurrection of the saint represents the victory of the past over the future, not There will be any surprises."

After returning to myself, I look in the mirror without makeup and dare to face it directly

Many fans are regretting the lack of classic and beautiful "Jude Law" scenes, and so am I! However, as far as the core of the play is concerned, it is more appropriate. Originally, Pius XIII was not a member of the "new" Pope. He was like a wedge to pave the way for the following storyline. He represented "the past". Just when he was called a "saint" by all, people's attention was on the "miracle" that he had ended, the past. So, whoever won the title and "Eternal" has long since left.

(This character should be discussed in conjunction with The Young Pope as a whole)

The time of separation has come, we each go our separate ways, I will die, and you will continue to live, which way is better, only God knows. - "Apologetics" Plato

God's perspective, overlooking all living beings

Ps. The fanaticism of the congregation caused by religious idolization and the resulting consequences have been fully expressed in this play. If you feel that it is not enough, please move on: How to treat the Korean people holding large gatherings despite the epidemic ban, the mayor of Seoul advised Citizens disbanded and besieged? Why is new crown pneumonia difficult to attract attention overseas?

Vatican's shadow killer Bauer is on the way

Finally, the third new Pope, Voiello, since he is not a "fight for the title of immortality" game contestant, his name does not matter! Let's call Vaelo Pope So-and-So whose sole purpose is to prevent the religious game from ending, keep the participants in the game, avoid any outcome and remain open to the future. (Refer to "Limited and Wireless Games")

Here's a look at Voiello's debriefing report:

so short

[First Debriefing]: Physical Health "Physical Examination Report" - (Reduced points; the reasons refer to the actual cases of previous Pope elections) Airborne to promote assistants - reduced points; the main focus is to follow the rules and mediocrity, and refuse to be deviant - reduce points. To pour bird droppings on one's body is a metaphor for God's will, but the result is failure!

Among them is a major turning point, "The Death of Girolamo", heralding Vaelo's transformation from a pious "servant" to a dictatorial "father". His eulogy for Girolamo was moving:

He (Girolamo) is the world of suffering, of goodness and virtue, of morality, of everything we cannot be. We want to be him because he knows how to truly love, how to be a real friend, he is the pain of suffering and the beauty of sacrifice;

[Second Debriefing Report]: Taking history as a mirror, the church needs "mediocre" + extra points; I will serve you devoutly, solve countless requests, balance the forces of all parties, and make this story always the most successful + extra points

Result: Success!

Pope XX who looks down on "children"

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