Abstinence version of "Game of Thrones"

Reyes 2022-11-14 00:55:29

There is a drama, the main character stared at it for a long time, hesitating again and again before writing.

Not hiding.

But until it ends, no one can guess where it will go.

When the story closes the last page, it wakes up like a dream.

After careful recollection, it does live up to the name of "divine drama"——

The New Pope .

How "God" is it?

A set of numbers for everyone to feel intuitively.

Co-produced by the Three Kingdoms TV Station:

British SKY, French CANAL+, American HBO.

Director Paolo Sorrentino.

Nominated for the Cannes main competition six times , holding an Oscar for best foreign language film statuette.

Paul Sorrentino on the left, Jude Law on the right

as well as.

Starring Qiu Hua 's unique prosperous beauty.

"Wilde" stills

Immortal lineup, and the stories told are also "fairy".

The protagonist is a completely fictitious image:

The youngest and only American pope in history .

"Young Pope" stills

You have to ask, why do fictional stories enshrine gods?

Then let the show host say two more sentences about the background of the "Pope".

He is the supreme leader of the sovereign Vatican and the de facto leader of the Catholic world.

Invisible territory, covering 1/7 of the world 's population.

When power is at its peak.

Even the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire dared to turn it away.

In January 1077, the excommunicated Henry IV kneeled for three days before he was forgiven by the Pope

In short.

The Pope's throne has been a divine seat since ancient times.

As it should be, it should also be passed on to the hands of gods and men.

That's him, Lenny Berardo .

Known as Pius XIII.

"God" is in three places.

The first is the face, the face is as handsome as the gods .

Hmm, maybe even more beautiful.

listen, is this human?

God power again .

He has a stunt called prayer.

He once healed the sick, made the infertile reproduce, and made the perpetrators die violently.

Finally, there is mystery .

Having just taken over as Pope, he refuses to appear in public in all forms.

Even the first sermon speech hid himself in the dark.

in his eyes.

Mystery is a "narrow door" so narrow that only one person can stand at the door.

That is himself.

The Trinity pushed him to the altar.

The opposite is the devil .

There are terrorists who want to start religious wars.

There are thugs kidnapping children with guns.


The power and money transaction, the invisible fly camp dog Gou.

between gods and demons.

People are believers.

Blurred eyes, crowded on the square.

Hundreds of millions of believers cast their gazes over, waiting for salvation.

Even without seeing the Pope in person.

Hearing his breathing on the radio was a great relief.

Demon man.

As soon as the triple identity configuration was finalized, the "Pope" began to be serious.

What kind of "irregular" law?

It puts each character on a set board, slides back and forth, crushing your previous perceptions.

The first thing to do is to disenchant "God".

God is not God.

Do you think it's destiny for Lenny to be in the position?


It's just the result of compromise between the parties.

It's just that the cardinal bullies him to be young and easy to control.

The moment he entered the palace, Lenny's rebellion was revealed.

Drink Coke, smoke cigarettes.

Don't let the second person other than him draw.

- The previous pope banned smoking in the palace

- Now there is a new Pope

This is just a section.

After taking office, Lenny's kingship has become more familiar and darker.

Not to mention the decentralization of powers.

He directly used the seat of the red-clothed archbishop to bribe the confessor, and learned the secret of every minister.

A picture is enough to illustrate the problem.

In the darkness of the night, there was a beam of light on the root of his mountain.

Where is the god?

It's just the cold light from the crown of power.

Power is also put aside.

more than this.

He's anti-abortion, anti-LGBT.

In his bones, he did not believe in God, but only in himself.

"God" wanders between good and evil.

What about human beings and demons?

At this time, "The Pope" introduced a new change——

Laney suffered a heart attack during his speech and was in a coma .

The so-called side of the elephant, the mouse does not die.

Then the "elephant" falls--

Some fled, and some took the opportunity to enter the house.

Opportunity is the election of a new pope.

The bishop mentioned above who leaked the secret to Laney succeeded.

According to the plan, it should be a repeat of the puppet pope.


The weakness that had been exploited before was now transformed into extremes.

He upheld populism, accepted refugees unconditionally, and emptied the wealth of the church.

Such ignorance of praise, of course, is "the speed of light offline".

The Pope who is elected again speaks of great love and knows how to advance and retreat.

It's a pity that there are too many wounds in my heart.

In his own words, a fragile piece of china .

When the Pope sucks, being a poet is okay.

Pope rotation.

But there was no one like Lenny.

Even if you bear the name of a tyrant, you must put your feet on the slate that suppresses evil.

There was a commotion within the church.

Discrimination, bullying, corruption, sexual assault...

Scandals are like boiling water, and the pressure will only get worse.

The place closest to the altar became the magic dance floor.

Not to mention the room.

The Pope focuses on one of these individuals:

Young woman East , attractive appearance, devout believers.

Once, she was used as a weapon by the church to deal with the powerful Lenny.

But after Lenny prayed, she gave birth to a son who was unable to conceive.

She became Lenny's most loyal admirer.

It can be said. She is also the deepest bond between Lenny and the world.

Colaney fell ill.

Her fate also twists and turns.

Her husband died and her feelings were deceived.

In order to support the children, they can only commit themselves to survival.

Step by step, little by little. From the victim, to the prostitute, to the murderer.

Drifting, falling, ups and downs.

Vulnerability in her eyes.

Isn't it also seeing the powerlessness of each of us ?

Unroll the scroll and condense it into a miniature.

This is the tactic used by director Sorrentino.

Sister Tiao once talked to everyone about his movie style, summed up in one sentence:

Open the wildest party, and make the world absurd.

On "The Beautiful City", Next "Youth"

The Italian "Rolling Stone" magazine commented that he was deviant and purely "exposed for exposure".

Sister Tiao agrees with the first half of the sentence.

In The Pope, he never hides.

Look carefully at the opening credits of each episode.

Sistine Chapel at night.

He lit up neon tubes, played electronic music, and made the nuns dance in front of the flashing cross.

The meeting of the two popes in the century.

He arranged for one to come out from the lobby and one from the beach in underwear.

He expresses "Wu Sheng" with beautiful composition, rich lighting and delicate lines.

He uses the following discord, cunning and emptiness to narrate "Sorrow of Things".

Second-rate plays are in "settings".

Full enough, but you have to get in.

Top plays are in "The Law".

Claiming to be a piece of the world, you can't blame it, you can only be drawn into it.

This kind of immersion has been quite difficult.

If you are still not satisfied, you want to have an epiphany in the "sorrow of things".

Let's go back to the first shot of the first season of "The Young Pope."

The baby crawled through the crowd, the halo around him.

Then stood up, the holy robe added.

Black is the devil, white is the god.

Suddenly God said, Let there be light.

At this time, a light came, which made black and white indistinguishable and injected into the same body.

This is people.

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