related to "people"

Corene 2022-03-22 09:02:43

I know very little, or nothing, about Christianity. From a certain point of view, I am completely unqualified to write such a film review about Christian films. I should have put it on hold, but I remembered what Mr. Li Jianwu said in his review of Border Town—“A Critic , First of all, we must recognize the existence of all human nature, accept the possibility of all spiritual activities, and the most precious freedom of all human beings, and then have the opportunity to complete the mission of a critic. "Of course I am not a critic, but this passage gives This is a reason for a layman of this religion to comment on the "people" in "The Eucharist" and give it a try. It has nothing to do with religion or anything, but only with "people".

The movie was getting better when Daniel got to sing "Psalm Twenty-Three", but the singing of the heinous criminal is so pure and unsullied. The opposite sides bring huge contrast and sensory stimulation. The background tone of the film shows its magic, so cold and quiet, in such a movie atmosphere, where Daniel is paroled, with his longing for the priesthood, his reverence for God, taking drugs under the flash, in the flash of disillusionment. Make love on the move. A person is so contradictory, he is a natural person, without any pretense, pure and quiet, but his crazy and depraved life outlines a prisoner's spiritual conflict and spiritual predicament. .

Humans are full of contradictions and constant conflicts. The European nobles in the Middle Ages preached the spirit of Christ while implementing the principles of chivalry. They felt humble in following the footsteps of Jesus, but they fought hard to fight the enemy until countless prisoners were captured, and the daughter of the enemy was begging for mercy. The ancient Chinese scholar-bureaucrats passed on the scriptures and taught Taoism, praised the "people-oriented", and advocated "the people are precious", but the truth is that "there is no idle land in the four seas, and the farmers starve to death". At a time when democracy and fraternity, freedom and tolerance have become the principles of creation recognized by everyone, there are still countless people who suffer from discrimination and bullying. Ontogenesis may be the epitome of the whole, just as the growth of some people and the evolution of some history have a high degree of similarity. Daniel's growth is similar to Poland's growth. He was tormented in the wandering between spirit and body, ideal and reality. In a sense, he is very similar to the one in Olga Tokarczuk's pen who was beaten by a German team. The Polish girl who was gang-raped by soldiers and then raped by a group of Soviet soldiers. The suffering of the nation may come from the instability, or from the external wind and rain. Personally, why not? When Daniel is eager to reach out his tentacles, it is cold. When the body is cold, the heart may be as hot as fire, the fire and the cold torment the soul, and it drains into juice, dripping drop by drop. Such pain is the pain of Poland, a small marginal country, and the pain of the marginal figure Daniel.

For life, we are all penitents, but sometimes we are our own priests. The love between Meggie and Father Ralph in "The Thorn Birds" is also so struggling and painful, full of repentance, but also full of forgiveness. Just like Daniel's prayer in the movie, "Lord, don't judge, try to understand us", people need to be understood and forgiven. The stolen monk robes in the movie not only found proof for the lie, but also found forgiveness for Daniel's soul, forgiveness for his unruly body, and forgiveness for his tormented soul. I dare not say everyone, but some may be repenting for the past and seeking forgiveness for the future.

Daniel is obsessed with strong tobacco and spirits, the flesh and joy. But when he put on the so-called "priest's clothes", everything was so sacred and pure. The prisoner and the priest are only one garment apart, and the difference between good and evil is only one thought.

"The third said

My dear, why are you so sad"



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Corpus Christi quotes

  • Priest: I made my confession, but confession solves nothing.

  • Daniel: Silence can also be a prayer.