The Gothic Study of Life and Death - "Dracula"

Pearlie 2022-12-19 10:51:53

The Gothic Study of Life and Death - "Dracula"

Today, let's talk about the British drama "Dracula".

The film title Dracula (2020), alias Dracula legend.

At the start of the new year 2020, the BBC and Netflix have launched a three-episode miniseries based on the famous vampire Dracula. All three episodes of Dracula will be released for three consecutive days, starting on January 1.

As the opening drama of the new year, "Dracula" is adapted from the novel of the same name by the Irish writer Bram Stoker.

I believe that seeing the words "Sherlock" will arouse the interest of many people. The team that dragged Sherlock Holmes into the 21st century also adopted the same strategy for the older Dracula this time, arranging the background of the story to modern society. .

The story begins in the Victorian era in 1897, and Count Dracula, who originated in Transylvania in central western Romania, makes no secret of his thirst for blood.

He tried his best to satisfy his appetite, and the long-term disappearance of people also attracted enemies for him.

The three episodes of "Dracula" use different narrative methods, and watching three episodes is like watching three different types of movies.

The first episode is a horror-thriller film that draws out Dracula through the narrative of lawyer Jonathan Harker. In the dark, damp, gothic castle, Dracula quietly waited for his prey to be delivered to his door.

Also on the scene is the nun's version of Agatha Van Helsing. It is also a fictional character. Van Helsing is Dracula's old enemy. He hunts and kills vampires as a profession. This time, Van Helsing appears with a new look, trying to stop Dracula under the protection of the church.

Jonathan Harker is the well-deserved protagonist of the first episode, and this episode unfolds from his point of view. Huck's adventure in Dracula's castle is like traveling through the castle with the eyes of the audience, and the mystery of Dracula is revealed little by little.

The second episode is back to the reasoning of the crew. This episode takes place on the vast ocean, like a serial murder case in a secret room. Dracula boarded a passenger ship bound for England to get a taste of the most intelligent and hypocritical humans.

The audience can clearly see the crime process from the perspective of God, but if they bring themselves into the role of the ship, they will find extremely helpless and fearful.

At this time, reasoning will exert its charm, and what remains after the impossible, no matter how unreasonable, is the truth. This also explains why Sister Agatha Van Helsing has Agatha in her name. Van Helsing takes the form of a grandmother, and uses the power of reasoning to expose and defeat Dracula.

The third episode finally tells the story and puts it into modern society, and the time is pushed to 2020, 123 years later. Dracula, who had been silent for more than a century at the bottom of the sea, finally woke up and set foot on British soil.

The third episode swept away the gloomy gothic temperament of the first two episodes. In the noisy and impetuous modern society, Dracula also began to think about the meaning of death to himself. Many people criticized that the production level of the third episode fell off a cliff, and a group of characters who were dying had turned into philosophers and began to preach meaningless at length.

In fact, as long as you understand immortality and death, which are contradictory and mutually transformative things, you can understand Dracula and Van Helsing.

"Dracula", created by the original cast of "Sherlock", did not adopt the same light comedy style for all ages, but shot a bloody horror story with a completely different style.

If the audience is uncomfortable with corpses, goshawks, and bats, try not to watch "Dracula". The degree of the first episode will make many viewers feel unimaginable. Fortunately, the style of the last two episodes gradually changed, from focusing on form to focusing on internal.

The first two episodes are mainly on the outside, and the last one focuses on the core. The entire three-episode story deals with understanding death. Dracula spent centuries comprehending life and death, and the Van Helsings spent generations comprehending life and death.

Death is "the only pure snow that has not been stepped on", and death is the only equal opportunity for all. Immortality deprives living beings of the rights they enjoy. The immortality that everyone expects is only immortality that can maintain a youthful and beautiful appearance. If immortality is dragging a broken body, it is necessary to perceive and endure endless pain. I believe that no one hopes to obtain such immortality.

After watching the shape of the first two episodes, and then watching the third episode, you might as well think about immortality and death.

Dracula is not the only evil thing that masters immortality, he just controls his desires well, and does not quickly consume his body on the way of indulgence. There are also many evil beings plagued by immortality and can only experience endless pain.

In order to maintain immortality as much as possible, Dracula set a lot of rules for himself, such as fear of crosses, fear of sunlight, not being able to enter uninvited spaces, etc. These rules are all rules he set to restrain his desires. Check it out.

It can be seen that eternal life is not a gift, but a pain. "Dracula" spends more than four hours exploring the meaning of immortality and death, expressing these seemingly metaphysical things in simple language as much as possible.

Eternal life is an endless curse,

Death is an equal gift.

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